chapter 1

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"They're so hot" Jocelynn sighed sitting on the grass looking at our beta Ian pass the football around with our alpha Jace and afew other boys from the pack "Jocelynn stop staring!" I harshly whisper hitting her arm. "Aww is Hanna trying to look good for her alpha" she mocks, "Jocelynn leave her alone" Marina adds smiling and rolling her eyes.

If you haven't caught on we're werewolves! And also watching the boys play toss with a football. Afew answers  1 were in battle with another pack and 2 idk just wait and see.

Out of nowhere the football came at me, I easily caught it and tossed it back to Gracen who was now infront of me, he thanked me silently then ran back to his friends choosing a different game to play. Then they all came up to us and asked in unison "what game should we play" "basketball" we said back in unison. So they headed to the basketball court.

Currently we are at a park for a break since we have nothing to it was summer and all. the place had a fenced in basketball court, a huge field, and a baseball field. After a quick run down of the place to u guys we turned and watched them play basketball and Jocelynn almost fainting when Ian took off his shirt. "Jocelynn ur so immature" Jada mumbles "yeah well Ian's so dang hawt so" she retorts "at least I'm not after the alpha" she whispers to me "I'm not after him I just think he's cute" I say my face Redding as Jace looked at me, winked, then took off his shirt. "Ooooooooo" they all say I guess if you say Ooooooo. "Ugh whatever" I mumble rolling my eyes.

"Urgh here come mila and ivy " Jocelynn hisses watching them go up too the boys who are freshly off the court headed towards us until of course the fearsome two went up to the boys.  Wolfy over hearing aloud me to hear them talking "hey boys" mila said "hi" they said trying to get by them but failing. "Urgh why won't those bishes just move" Jocelynn whispers in frustration. "I don't know Jocey but there getting annoying trying to flirt" I respond.

Finally the boys got past them and finished walking towards us Jace infront and Ian next to him, "don't touch me your sweaty" I say as they get really close. They all grinned then in a flash we were picked up, jace picked me up, Ian picked Jocelynn up, Gracen picked Marina up and Michelle and Jada walked next to them hand in hand, mila apparently didn't like the fact that Jada and Michelle were both girls and dating but we supported Jada and Michelle, they were adorable together.

We all screamed and kicked saying put us down till finally they set us down on the bleachers infront of the baseball field.

I saw the girls glare, I gave one look and they huffed and went off to sit and gossip.

I should probably tell   who's in the pack

Me, hanna
Marina (she's vamp but bff and good so)
Maggie = half werewolf
Jace (alpha)
Ian (Beta)
Hayden = Vampire (he & Marina are twins)
Jacob = (not Jacob from twilight)

There that's all. God dang. Now back to the story. "Why'd you bring us to the bleachers?" Marina asks "obviously so you could cheer us on for the baseball game were gonna play duh" our alpha says, "urgh fine" we all say in unison they all smile at us then go to the field.

And again with super Wolfy hearing I over here the fearsome two talking.

"ugh why do the alpha beta and boys always give the most attention to them" mila ranted "yeah why does alpha Jace give Hanna so much attention she's ugly" ivy replies huffing "I know right beta Ian gives Jocelynn the most attention it's dumb" 

"Well maybe if you didn't dress and act like jerks they would like you" Michelle slightly shouts, as they seem taken aback that I heard them "yeah also maybe if you weren't huge bully's and had horrid attitudes too" Jocelynn Marina and Jada added on. They just huffed and went back to talking.

we cheered on the boys who smiled and tied seeing them run off the field and towards us, "thanks for the encouragement" they all said in unison a strange habit of most of us. They, all sweaty hugged each of us then took off to the basketball court to chill and eat.

"They're hot" Jocelynn states bluntly shoving a whole sandwich in her mouth. "Agreed" the rest of us said with food in our mouth, what we didn't know though is that someone heard that. Darn fricking Wolfy hearing

(Alpha jace pov, btw the first one was hanna)

"Did you here that? they called us hot" Ian says shoving a cracker in his mouth "that's good isn't it you guys will be finding your mates soon so you've got a variety of two who aren't sluts" I state calmly (Jada and Michelle are mates) "aren't there Three?" Jacob asks "yeah who'd you leave out?" Ian adds in "ooo does someone have a crush?" Gracen grins wickedly. Alright don't think about her, I tell myself.

(If you didn't know, these werewolf can read each other's mind, a  werewolf trait so yeah)

"Hmmm is it perhaps Hanna?" Ian says.

dang I let her in my mind "you've caught me but seriously don't touch her or I swear to god" "woah jace chill chill" they say putting there hands up "have you impr- marked her?"
Hayden questions "yeah I've imprinted" I say casually "oooooo you've found your luna" Emerson adds "HEY HANNA YOUR GONNA BE L-" Gracen never got to finish before I put my hand over his mouth and gave him death glare. "WHAT?" She yells back her and her friends now looking at us. "NOTHING" I shout back letting go of Gracen.

Well damn.

How'd you like the first chapter, it's gonna get insane but yeah my friend Konner helped me with it he's inspirational. Bye!
-Hanna and Konner the beast
(Sorry about the beast thing he insisted it be there) also the other pov beside Hanna won't be frequent I just needed them to have a little say you know?

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