Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

It was the day of the party and me and Ellie were sitting on the grass, relaxing. We were supposed to be practicing, but it was hot and sunny, and we felt care-free. I was teaching Ellie how to play More Than This one guitar, because apparently she could play a bit.

“Why didn’t you tell me you could play guitar?” I said, pretending to be annoyed. It failed and I started giggling.

She leant back on her arms, soaking up the sun. “Oh, it wasn’t important. Besides, I play piano better…”

I got an idea. “I know! You should play guitar and I should just sing. Not only will you get a higher grade, because you learnt a new instrument, but the song only uses guitar…”

“Yeah, okay. As long as you teach me. Well. And I actually get good.”

“Okay, let’s start!” I said, cradling my guitar in my arms. “Look.”

I played a chord and passed the guitar over to Ellie. She copied me and played it perfectly.

After having done the whole song, I handed Ellie the note sheet and my guitar.

“Shall we go through it?” I asked.

She nodded and started playing.

I’m broken, do you hear me?

I’m blinded, ‘cause you are everything I see

I’m dancing alone, I’m praying

That your heart will just turn around

And as I walk up to your door

My head turns to face the floor

‘Cause I can’t look you in the eyes and say

Suddenly, I noticed we had an audience. Of one. And Ellie had stopped playing. I looked up, shielding my eyes from the sun. It was Matt.

I smiled. “Hi Matt.”

“Hey Kate, and…” He looked at Ellie.

“Ellie.” I said, speaking for her. Ellie was blushing like a tomato.

“Oh Hey Ellie!” He smiled.

“H-hi Matt.” She stuttered. What’s wrong with that girl? I thought. I would have to ask her later.

“Was that you singing?” He asked, sitting down.

“Yeah.” I said, slightly embarrassed.

“You’re good.”

“Thanks. Did you hear Ellie?” I said, changing the subject to a safer one.

“Uh, yeah. She was good.” He said, turning to smile at Ellie, who blushed again.

“She learnt the whole song just now.” I said, proudly.

“Wow.” He said. “That’s cool.”

“Yeah, I know.” I said, smiling at Elie.

“Is that the song you’re doing for the End of Term performance?”

“Yeah. What are you doing?”

“Oh, I’m doing a song with my band.”

“Really, your in a band?” I said, raising my eyebrows.

“Why so surprised?” He laughed.

“I don’t know.” I said, smiling. “What are you called? The band?”

He smiled. “Uh, The rolling rocks.”

“Really?” I laughed.

“Yeah.” He said, trying to look offended.

I laughed. “So what king of music do you play? Rock?”

“Yeah, we do actually. Coldplay and stuff.” He said.

Suddenly, two figures caught my eye. It was Liam and Barbie.

They were walking hand in hand, smiling. My stomach dropped and knotted up into lots of small knots.


He looked at me and looked away, blushing. I looked up, at Matt, and I saw his jaw was clenched and he was sending daggers towards something, or someone, behind me.

I turned, it was Liam. He looked pained, as he looked in between me and Matt. Then suddenly, he looked angry and grabbed Barbie’s hand and stomped off.

Why was going on between Matt and Liam?


Hey!! New Chappie :)

Dedicated to  MissHoranette for commenting and just being amazayn!! Thanks :)

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Byee, I'm going to China..

Eden xxxx

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