Chap.26: You're Mine

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Damian's POV

"So dad came home as well?" I was on the phone with my grandma when I received the news.

"Just last night. Your parents seem to be much better after their brief separation."

"That's good to hear, but please tell them to act like adults next time."

"Oh they're still teenagers at heart. It's kinda cute." She giggled. "Well I must go, dear. I have some errands I need to run."

She hung up before I could say goodbye. I just sighed as I heard the door to my apartment open then shut. I went out to the living room and noticed Saya digging through my fridge... in booty shorts no less.

"What are you doing here?"

"Killian doesn't have bananas and I'd rather not go to the store when you have plenty to spare." She began peeling one and as soon as she took a bite, I lost it. I grabbed her and pinned her up against the counters.

"What the hell. You better let go of me or-"

"Or what? You have been such a tease and I'm tired of it. I've been chasing after you for months already. Have I seriously made no progress in vying for your affections?"

"Well did you honestly believe it would be easy?" She smirked. "I'm not like those other bitches who give it up as soon as you flash your devilish grin."

"No you're not. Which is why I want you as mine."

"Do I look like a piece of land? No!" She pushes me off her and throws her banana at me. However she doesn't leave and just stands there glaring at me. I couldn't help staring at those eyes of hers, so I kissed her with all the passion I had. She raised her hand at first, but lowered it as she began to kiss me back.

"Don't deny it. I know you have some type of feelings towards me by now."

"Well aren't you cocky."

"Saya." I was starting to get irritated now and she noticed.

"Fine. We can go out, but don't think you can get into my pants or touch me however you like. Got it?"

"Fine by me."

"Now get off me. All this closeness is making me uncomfortable."

I was overcome with so much happiness that I couldn't help, but wrap my arms around her waist and bury my face into her neck.

"What did I just say?!"

"Ok, ok." I chuckled. I let her go as she stormed off, but I believe I caught a glimpse of her blushing before she ran out. I finally got my girl, now I just gotta convince her to stay.

"Damian." I heard a small voice yawn my name. Jade had just woken up with bed head and a sock missing from her left foot.

"Did you sleep well?" She nodded as she rubbed her eyes. "Let's get you dressed for the day then."

"Are we gonna go see Aki?"

"I believe she has to go to the Dr's today, but guess what."


"Grandpa and Grandma finally came home."

"Yay!!" I dressed her in a long-sleeved dress that matched her eyes with white leggings along. I then proceeded to brush her hair that was starting to get wavy like her mom's.

"Don't forget the bow!" She screamed.

"I know. Geez." I added a big, white bow to complete her look. She twirled around and laughed to her heart's content. "Alright let's go."

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Oct 17, 2017 ⏰

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