Chapter 3

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Rozzy POV

Today it was just me at the track practicing. Ravenswood was coming up soon and I wanted to be ready. I ran some barrels not bothering to time myself. I ran the third or middle barrel as Gypsy slid causing us to fall. I fell on my back as my foot went under my butt and as Gypsy fell to her side. I grabbed my ankle as it burned like hell. All I could think of was Gypsy. I got up slowly wincing at the pain shooting through ankle. I picked that foot off the ground and walked over to Gypsy and grabbed her reins and went to the wooden fence and sat down on it. I pulled up my jeans to see my ankle bruised.

"damn" I murmured as I wrapped an ace wrap around it that I keep in my saddle bag that sat on the fence with my water bottle.

"you better get that checked out." I turned to see Max a boy that came to the stable everyday.  he had blonde hair with creamy brown eyes he was cute.

"no it'll be alright." I smiled as I got up and ended up on the ground Just as fast. 

I felt an hand grab my arm as max helped me up.

"yea I'll drive you to the doctor."  he said smiling as he grabbed my other hand to keep my from falling again.

Before I could protest he picked me up and carried me out to his blue and green Chevy truck. My kind of man.  

"so I'm your kind of man?" he said smiling like a goof.

It took me a minute to realize I thought out loud. I hid my face in my hands.

"I meant I LOVE Chevy's." I said smiling bigger than I thought was possible.

We got to the hospital and sat in the waiting room forever. Finally we got my ankle checked it was only sprained and the doctor said I could still race at Ravenswood. I got a call from Carl. I ignored and texted her that I would tell her everything later and that I was fine. she texted back saying that she would be waiting  at my house that it wasn't her fault if all the food was gone when I got home. I laughed quietly as I read it.

"what are you giggling at?" he asked keeping his eyes on the road.

" nothing just my friend." I said smiling

after about 20 minutes we were back to the stables I got out of his truck with my crutches and walked or limped should I say over to Gypsy. I started checking her body for any injuries thank goodness there was none. after that I unsaddled her and took the rest of her tack off and sprayed her down with a squirty bottle ill bath her tomorrow it was getting really late. I headed home after Max left and walked in to here Mandi Corey Kasi Carls voices  coming at me

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