Chapter 26 - Robin

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Alexandria’s (P.O.V)

“I’m sorry, but I just got up from coma and might have head damage, I have no idea who you are.”

My voice betrayed me and came out as more of a question then anything else.

“You had head damage before that too.”

Kyle shot back amusedly, just having to ruin my moment. Not even looking in his direction I gave him a swift elbow in his stomach, earning myself an oof.


“Was just leaving.”

Kyle rudely cut in on her. The poor girl looks so nervous as it is, why go bully her and make her feel unwelcome?


I sent him a warning, just this once, or I’ll be forced to bring out my ninja like skills. He wasn’t too happy with me giving him the evil eye, so he turned around, avoiding whatever he was. So I turned my attention back on the girl in the front. Her left hand was now rubbing the back of her neck nervously.

“Go on.”

I tried to give her my best smile, maybe it will easy the tension away. But regrettably it made her a little jumpy.

“I- my. Hello.”

What is so bad? She can’t even look into my eye, it sounds like she can’t find the words to start off whatever she was doing.

“Start with your name.”

Behind me Kyle’s voice broke through. He must have took pity upon the girl as well.

I don’t know what came over her, but hearing him speak defiantly gave her some strength to continue speaking with courage.

“Hello, my name is Robin, Robin Bines and I’m here because I made an horrible mistake.”

Robins (P.O.V)

“Start off with your name.”

The Donning kid took pity upon my stuttering and tried to reassure me to continue speaking. I doubt he would run away like before with his sister standing right there.

Looking into his eyes I saw that he really wanted to know, that like the nice girl, Alexandria, he was dying to know my secrets.

I look at the girl again. She looks like an everyday American teenager. Her blond hair is long and ends just in front of her hips. Today it’s pulled into a parted look. She is wearing a simple yellow greenish shirt that has barely visible white lines on top. Her jean shorts end just above her knees, giving a simple and non-club like attire.

But what I finally land on is her smile. It’s natural, with no trace of make-up. Bright, white and friendly. Not the kind that popular people use for prom queen votes or what not, no this one was real. I hate to think in about 55 seconds from now I’m about to ruin it.

But she had the right to know what I had done. It’s too late now to turn back and follow along with the plan, no now I had to face my punishment for my earlier actions.

“Hello, my name is Robin, Robin Bines and I’m here because I made an horrible mistake.”

I don’t walk forward and shake her hand, but I do stand taller and look her straight in the eye.

“What mistake did you make, Robin?”

Her forehead wrinkles in confusion. Great, step one on ruining this beautiful girl’s face.

“Last week I came here. To this room to do what my employer told me. I did everything he said, I dressed up like a nurse and found my way into your room,” her eyes never left mine; it was like they were memorizing my face, trying to understand. Then that other boy was in the corner, trying best he could not to pounce on me and claw me for doing what I have said so far. He must be very protective of his sister. Right now he was burning a hole inside my head, killing me with his eyes only. I don’t know him, but his disapproving look made me go on the edge of crying. I wanted nothing more but to go home and pretend this was all a dream and that I wasn’t this low life spy. Alexandria But again, it was too late and my mother wouldn’t be proud of me if I left. Taking a couple steps towards me to give me a hug. But in the last second I ducked out and sprinted to the other side of the room. Hurt crossed over her face, but I know she was more confused than anything. I’m, good at my work, I know that as of five minutes ago she thought nothing was wrong, you know besides the coma thing. I took a deep breath and looked around the room, trying to find a place to put my eyes on. Distract me from them, from the tears. But it was too difficult, I had to look there way. So I continued.

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