Chapter 15- No hope

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Days went by after our little incident in the hospital.

 My parents slowly started to visit less and less. It didn’t bother me though; Kyle never failed to keep me preoccupied.

I’m starting to get worried about him though. He hasn’t left my side since I’ve been in coma, he sleeps here, holds my hand and only talks to me. I don’t think he has even left long enough to take a shower.

The nurses are nice enough to bring him some food when there on their rounds. As much as I’m worried, I couldn’t go through with this without him. He has been my rock in these waves of emotions.

  He sits on his side of the bed and tells me stories of when we were children. At one point he made me laugh so hard that I was starting to think I would awake.

 Unfortunately it didn’t work. In the begging I was only supposed to be asleep for a couple hours or a day. I didn’t like how the doctors would talk when they were around me. It sounded like they gave up hope and were only refilling my tubes and oxygen to put on a show for my parents.

 But I didn’t and wouldn’t like it affect me. When my mom and dad said everything would be ok, I believe them, they wouldn’t lie to me. So as of right now, I’m holding on strong.

“…And then you jumped the fence right in the path of the stupid bulldog!”

 Kyle was telling a story about when we were in first grade and we’re playing baseball. He was laughing so hard that tears were rolling down his face, his hand jesters we’re going crazy as he exaggerated the size of the bulldogs teeth.

 A couple of times he has accidently hit me, then he would give me a quick hug before continuing his over dramatic point of view when the bulldog started to lick my face. He says that he thought the dog was tasting me, waiting to swallow me whole.

  I could imagine his face as a young child, wide eyed and mouth gaped open, the horror all over his face as he watched his best friend about to be eaten.

Now I think of it, at the time did he think of me as his childhood friend or was he looking at me as his bride to be. It’s been a while since that day Kyle said he loved me, he hasn’t exactly elaborated on that statement.  A part of me wants him to tell me he loves me and for everything to be alright. But again that more logical side tells me it would be wrong.

My heart wants what me brain doesn’t.

 But of course I don’t want to be with Kyle. I’m not attracted to him, the way he is always there for me or how he is the only one to make me happy when I’m down. I don’t want to sound shallow but looks do matter to me, and he doesn’t have what I’m looking for. With his mystical green eyes, perfect brown hair and his soft skin or the way his hand fits into mine.

 Oh shut up! I don’t love him; I don’t even like him in that way.

I mentally shake my head, for now why don’t I listen to a couple stories. When I finally bring my mind out instead of comedic tales or laugh along stories my ears are met with soft snores.  How long have I been out of it?

Huh, oh well it’s probably for the best. He has started to run out of the good stories, now they’re starting to get lame.

 Seconds go by and the only sound in the room is Kyle’s soft snores. There kind of cute. Hmm I guess it could be possible to fall for him. With a mixture of him being gorgeous and him being the only man that brings a smile to my face, it would be easy to fall for him.  

But I would never risk it.

 “Where can I find Miss Alexandria. H. Miles room?”

 From outside the room I heard an unfamiliar voice ask for me. Who could that be?  Not my mother, much too young to be. None of my cousin’s, they’re all in Hawaii and haven’t heard the news. Can’t be any of my friends from school, they probably all turned on me after Laura spoke to them.

   Who could it be?

 The lady at the front desk stops typing and answers in a very southern voice that reminds me of a typical cookie baking grandmother.

 “She is in that room right there, sugar.”

 A second goes by and I don’t hear any movement or the shuffle or feet.

 “Thank you ma’am I’ll be back later, when I can speak….. more privately.”

 Then just as quick as the mysterious girl came, she left. But whoever she is she wants to speak to me without Kyle here. Weather I like it or not I’m going to find out later, you know in less I wake up.


This was pretty much a filler chapter, to stretch the book out as long as possible.

Who do you think the girl is? Send in guess, I would love to see who you think it is! I doubt anyone could get it right!

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