Chapter 27- Awake during nightmares

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Alexandria’s (P.O.V)

I quietly continue to play and twine my finger around his huge hand. Pulling one up and wrapping another around his figure. It was night now and the sweet sounds of the crickets sang as if personally to our ears. The room is dim caused to only the moon as our light, for the nurse has already turned off the electricity. Kyle had special rules since he had practically forced himself like a caveman when I was asleep; he had grew on the staff and was allowed to spend the night.  Snuggling my head deeper into the crook of his arm and chest, I let out a deep lazy sigh.

“What is it angel?” Kyle’s warm minty breath tickled lightly at the back of my neck making me slightly squirm.

“Nothing, it’s just, you know, tomorrow is the big day.” In the morning I’ll be getting up extra early to head to school with Kyle. Laura should be waiting for me, bullying me into torture. I’m sure she has spread around by now that I had a scar down the length of my face and scratches everywhere in between. I have tried time and time again to cover it up by parting my hair a certain way, letting it fall naturally. When that didn’t work I used some make-up to cover it up, but just as I started, Kyle had to walk in. He pushed away the tube I was holding and roughly pulled me towards him, gently rubbing my face cloth around in a circle. Covering up all traces of make-up and un covering my ugly scar face. He told me that I was to beautiful already, that he loves me. Then I told him that I already know he would be fine with me in a potato sack, but what if I didn’t want to look good for him. That only caused him to lightly kiss the side of my face where my scar is several times until he traced the whole line and tell me that there should be no one else I should worry about, because I was his.    

Stupid boy and his sweet words!

“No tomorrow is just a regular day, just like before, only this time I get to introduce you as my girlfriend.”

I could tell by his voice that he was grinning ear to ear, smiling widely. He decided not to tell any of his friends about us until I could be next to him. Kyle is sure that no one will believe him that we ended up together, unless I’m there too.

“Don’t remind me, I’m stuck with you now.”

I glanced up at Kyle dripping in amusement; I wasn’t the best the best actor. He could see right through me like a ghost, even in the dark.

“Oh yeah?” Before I could react he flipped me over, pinning my hands over my head, trapping me. Not that I’m complaining; I wanted every inch of air between us gone. His misty green eyes bore into mine, melting my heart. “Well than you’re going to have to deal with it, you agreed to be mine, and there’s no take backs here.”

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