Chapter 7 - He cheats

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(It would help to listen to Carrie Underwood BEFORE HE CHEATS, while reading this chapter, it sets the mood)

How could he? I have been his ……… servant for two years! And he has the nerve to cheat on me with a scrawny brown headed boyfriend stealer! How long has this been going on? I think back to all the times he had to leave early for an emergence. The time we were going to go have ice cream and his aunt was in a car crash. The time we were going to my award ceremony and his cat went missing. All the times I was stupid to believe he needed to go do something important and the next day all the evidence pointed that he wasn’t doing as he said. I was so blinded by the fake love that he had created that I never wanted to believe that he would cheat or lie. How could I be so naïveté and stupid?

It was like I was in a nightmare, you know the ones were no matter as hard you try you can’t get up.  I was in this weird trance and no one could get me out of it. I never heard anyone as I pushed through the bodies that were dancing around me. I didn’t care if they tripped and fell. All I could do was keep walking as people yelled insults my way.

“Watch it!”

“Move it “

                “Stay out of my way, Freak!”

But I kept on walking. Slowly I push a tall red shirted boy out of my way as I went to find the truth.

Without a second thought I grabbed a big chunk of that evil brown hair and pulled, hard.

“Ow! What the heck?!”

The confused and hurt girl kept her face hidden as she tried to fix her hair that I now let go. I stared at the faceless girl for only a second before turning to face Gary. His eyes were white and his face looked like he just saw a ghost. It gave me small comfort and satisfaction, but only small. He looked like he was going to speak, but I cut him off with a violent shake of my head. Tears were running off my face now and people were starting to gather a circle around us. Probably looking for a fight.

“How could you!?” I cried out.” You said that you loved me!”

I was really going for it now.

“All these years was it all a lie?” now he was shaking his head no, but I don’t believe him anymore.  Again he was going to speak.

“Don’t you dare speak, Gary! I swear to god I’ll lose it!” I was screaming now and was right in his scared face. The tears coming from my eyes were enough to make a river.   

“I was stupid to believe-“

The girl now flipped her head up, reviling her face.

Tammie? Her perfect tan face was staring right at me. Her pink lips were pursed in a circle a little smudged from kissing my now ex -boyfriend. Her piercing green eyes showed only bliss and a sense of accomplish. Her face showed no sign of being scared, instead it was satisfied.

Of everyone in the world to cheat on me with he chose the coldest of them all.

 Without taking my eyes off of her I croaked out

“I’m done here”

Then quietly I stared to flee the room but not before turning around once last time. I saw the party had stopped and everyone was looking directly at me. Gary was sitting in the same spot I had left him, looking a mix of ashamed and sadness. Tammie had one hand on her hip the other on Gary. A sneer of disgusted left my lips, as I looked between the two. The cheating prince and the cold witch, Typical.

“You two deserve one another.” I stated. Then I ran as fast as I could towards the comfort of my car, leaving behind the party that changed my life.


I know it is short but the next chapteris goning to be long and have Kyles point of view on it! keep reading!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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