Chapter 24 - The parents

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Alexandria’s mom’s (P.O.V)

“Oh, honey! Thank god, you’re alright!”

“Yes, I’m fine mother. Don’t worry!”

Alexandria tried to reassure me, but it was too late, I was tearing up. When I got the call from the hospital I was ecstatic. Moments before, I had been cooking scramble eggs with cheese. When the phone rang I left behind the cooking pan. Now I have a burnt to crisp omelet and black suited air; that fogs my eyes and room.  But as soon as the young nurse on the line said that she was awake I almost fainted. But she didn’t give any hint of Alexandria’s recovery. I’ve read some stories about people waking up from coma and not remembering who their family members are, or who they are. It scared me to think that my beautiful daughter would look straight into my eyes, yet not be there, not remember me. The look in her eye would have been enough to die. So I had to find out, I couldn’t wait for John to be home so we could see if she is ok. So I hit the re dial number button and waited impatiently for her voice to appear. When I did hear her voice and she recognized me, while I went bonkers. I cried more than I have since this thing all started. Inside I was jumping up and down, but really I was crying tears of joy. John still hasn’t come back yet from the store, as soon as he comes back we’ll leave.

“Mom, please don’t cry.”

My daughter begs me as she cuts off my thought bubble, but my pink sweater was already ruined. My baby girl is alive, I’ll cry if I want to.

“Baby, I was so worried. You scared me so bad. When I heard the news i-i…..i don’t kn-now wh-“

The tears were coming out faster and faster, making a waterfall of salty tears, it was becoming unbearable to speak. I was so chocked up that I was questioning wither or not she could hear me.

“I get it mom, I love you too. I should g-”

 “NO!! I mean, please, you just awoke, stay on the line. Just until I get there, please.”

 This time I was the one to cut her off, I meant to sound stern and firm, but my voice betrayed me and sent it weak.

The line went dead, but I could faintly hear Alex’s even breaths on the line, so I know she didn’t hang up. Which I was relieved for. A couple of seconds went by and still no signal. My heart dropped down in my chest with disappointment.

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