Chapter 29- The battle is over

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I looked in disbelief as the bipolar girl just ignored my whisper, even though I know she saw me, and stared at Mr. George. Her eyes were hard and almost shocked as mine. It looked like she didn’t quite believe that she had spoken.

“Why do say that?” Mr. George asked unaware of our history, yet still baffled that she had interrupted his chance of giving me detention.

“Because I went to go visit her in the hospital, she in fact was telling the truth.”

Again she never looked my way;  instead she pushed aside my pleading eyes and took two steps toward where we were placed.

“And I know that because I seconded her story you can’t give her detention.”

She strolled the rest of the way to the wooden brown desk, and out of the shadows. I could tell now that she was wearing her hair up in a sideways bon, showing off her fair white skin and her piercing blue eyes. With ripped jeans and her signature purple throw over, she looked the same; the only difference is that she wasn’t wearing long sleeves. Tammie had her sleeves rolled all the way up, framing her white scar. That’s weird she never wears any short sleeve since the dark day, I know now why.

“Well that may be true Tammie, but why are you doing this, why are you sticking up for her?”

Both of our eyes widened in shock, but I got over it quickly, due to wanting to know the answer myself. Why would she of all people want to help me? I ruined her life, destroyed her home life and her career. I hurt everything close to her, and she admitted it not two weeks ago, yet she wanted to make sure I didn’t get detention? That made no sense, but truth being, things never had in the past couple of months.

“Because she doesn’t deserve it. Any of it, it wasn’t her fault,” Then Tammie pried her eyes off of the teacher and stared straight in my uncertain eyes. Holding a second meaning in between her words and held a secret meeting in our eyes only, for only us. “It never was.”

With that she left the room in a hasty speed, dodging questions from the confused Mr. George.

“Well considering the past couple of seconds I’m going to let you off with the hook, but if I ever…….” After that I kind of spaced out into my own little world, nodding every once in a while to make believe I was listening. But honestly I couldn’t care less, what just happened he would never believe in a million years was probably the best thing that could have happened to me.

I think maybe Tammie forgave me…..

(Certain number of hours later)

The hallways blinked again for the millionth time in the past five minutes. A group of immature Juniors walked past laughing there little cute heads off, like anyone gave a damn. They have been flickering the lights on and off like crazy monkeys. No teachers have yet walked out of there tiny little classrooms to exam the problem.

But I had no time for their little high school shreds. I have to finish out this college restoration form. For me this was free period, so I was sitting on top of one of the plastic blue tables outside.  I was supposed to be starting college soon, and I have no idea where I’m goanna go. With my grades I could go to almost any Ivy League school, but I really don’t want to go anywhere without a full scholarship.   The hospital bills have started to pile up in the house. You may ask how I would know, well you see neither of my parents were born whispers, in fact they think they are like spy’s, when in fact the stink. So the other day they the nurse came into to speak with them about money, while I was right there. So yes I know they are in debt, and I don’t want to worry them anymore than necessary.

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