Chapter 6 - Cars & Trouble

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I’m walking out to my yellow jeep and with every step I feel stupider. I mean Gary is going to see his dying grandmother and I’m following him. When he sees me I’ll look like a total jerk. But I keep going, repeating over and over in my head that it’s just a stupid bet and a couple years from now we will laugh about this. Yeah! It’s a stupid bet.

Just a bet

This is a dare

A dare

A dare

A dare

A dare

A dare

A dare

A dare

 Why am I going through with this anyway? I can drive in circles for a while and just make Kyle believe I left. Just as I decided that it was a smart plan, I see Kyle poke his head out of the blue curtain in the hall way window. I knew he would want to watch me leave. Shoot! I wave to him and put on a big bright white smile.  He doesn’t wave back instead he nods his head towards the high way. Geez, what’s his hurry?

I let out a big huff of breath and wave my hands dramatically in the air. Witch doesn’t win me even a smile. I repeat, what’s his hurry?

“Whatever” I pronounce under my breath.

I step that last couple of feet to my car, carefully not slipping off the side walk.

Climbing into the automobile, I smell the leather seats. I know that’s weird, but it has the new car smell that I love. This is my baby, if anyone ever touched or better yet hurt my baby, I’ll kill them. I love my car, when I turned sixteen, I hated it. I mean yellow is an ugly color, why put the color of pee of my first car? But I learned to love my baby. When I first started to love it, I wouldn’t let Kyle sit on the seat until he repeated my five rules, out loud. The first time I gave him the paper with my rules on it, it was after football practice and he refused to read them until I threated to have him walk the whole way home.

“I can’t believe I’m doing this, ok ready.

(1)    I will not eat or drink in this car

(2)    I’ll put a towel down after playing sports

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