Chapter 8- What no one knows

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I ran to my car, tears leaking down my face. It was night now and the air was turning colder, the tears that streaked my face were starting to freeze. I grabbed the yellow handle and threw open the door. There I let myself cry, not for the end of my relationship, but my own stupidity. Minutes went by before I heard anything besides the bad rap music.

“Alexandria? ALEX! You still here?”

Behind me was the voice that used to sing me to sleep, but all it does now is sent shivers up my spine. Knowing that I had only moments before he spotted my car and would make his way over I quickly scampered into the jeep. Turning on the engine I started to drive out of the teenager filled driveway, but I only made it to the mailbox before I stopped expectantly, Gary Jumped right in the pathway of my car.

“Give me a chance to explain, Alex.”

His hands are held in front of his body and he continues to plead to get me to stop the engine. But all I can think of is going home and doing movie night with Kyle. So instead of doing as told, like the millionth time before, I start my engine real high while hitting the brakes. The dirt is going everywhere while my tires spin.

Gary begins to sweat, he must be starting to get nervous, yet he doesn’t move.

His courage isn’t surprising, this time though I’m not impressed. I’m seriously thinking of just ending it all and run him over, do the world a favor. At the last second I decided to let him suffer from the hands of Kyle. When I head back and tell Kyle, Gary is going to wish I ran him over.

I spun the wheel and back up slightly, before running over the lawn. I hear a few screams as some stragglers jump out of the way of my furry. But I didn’t care, all I wanted was to have Kyle comfort me and make all the bad to go away, like always.


Where is she? She has been gone for more than an hour! I just wanted her to catch him lying or doing something bad, I don’t know what that jerk did, but I know I’ll kill him. I swear to God that if he hurt her even the slightest I’ll put him underground. She is way too good for him, too good for anyone!  

I should have never dared her to go! I knew she wouldn’t turn down a dare.   Ever since we were kids she wouldn’t turn down a dare. I remember when we were little kids I dared her to eat half a dirty sock. I didn’t think she would but we did.  We spent the whole day in the hospital as the doctors took a look at her stomach. The worst part is that it was her thirteenth birthday. I kept apologizing but she would brush it off and tell me…..

“Don’t you dare worry that my birthday was horrible, I don’t care where we are as long as I got to spend It is with you.”  She grabbed my hand with her soft perfect hand and held it to her chest. Her beautiful brown eyes shun with anger and friendship.  It wasn’t the anger that I hated, I knew Alexandria since she we were infants, and I’ve dealt with worse from her. No it was the friendship, because it was only friendship and we will always be just friends.

This is a short and filler chapter. I just wanted to update. I would rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy love some comments!!!

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