Chapter 30- M.I.A (Missing in Action)

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Zoey (P.O.V)

 Where in the world can that girl be?

“Then you simply move the decimal…..”

And you just simply blah blah blah! I silently laugh at the sound of the mock inside my mind.

Then I realize that Tammie has, for the first time, skipped class. Never would she EVER skip. Straight A’s and not one tardy, she would be the last to miss a lecture on math. I hate math! I mean what you possible would use in the future. I don’t have any plans to teach nor learn anymore, once I’m out, I’m out!

As of right now I have real life problems, where is my cousin?

The blue door opens wide with a click, interrupting the teacher’s lesson. From where I sat in the back corner, I couldn’t see who walked in. But my heart lurched thinking it was Tammie, I was so worried. When she comes to our table I’m going to give her a mouth full!

If she had to go visit the nurse or something, the least she could have done was text me her where about.

After all I did….

But when the door closed once more, in front stood not Tammie, just some nerdy looking boy. You know the type with huge glasses and a total pimple face. At his sight my heart dropped about four levels, where is she?

What if that idoit boyfriend of hers hurt her? He has a reputation of cruelly dumping girls after getting what he wants.     

Knowing how much she cares for the guy, and how much she gets emotionally, well it may not be going ….. well.

Wait, if she is hurt, why the heck am I listening to Mrs. Poopy heads lecture?  I know why, because I am stupid. Without thinking twice I jumped up off the stool, causing a small disturbance from a couple in front of me.  Both gave me the evil eye before turning around to continue listening. Childishly I stick out my tongue, know that they can’t see me, but the girl must have sensed it or something, because immediately she tensed up. Halfheartedly I laugh, only to remember my task.

“Mrs. Poppy,” Yes poppy not poopy head.” I don’t feel so good, may I leave to the nurses office?”

 Skeptically she turned her head to me, leaving behind the class.

“Where does it hurt?”

She never asks that!?

Why would she ask me, now?

Still she waits for my response…

Quick, think of something Zoey!

“um, i….. have girl problems.”

Automatically the whole class burst into uncontrollable tears of laughter, as all the heat rose to my face.

Obviously the plan did not run through me first.

Understanding and concern washed over my teachers face. Without another word she nodded her head towards the door, signaling she bought my misguided idea. As I left the algebra room I could hear a muffled expression from the teacher, saying something around the lines of, “now the human body is natural and what Zoey….”

But it was too embarrassing to continue listening to. So I sent one glance inside the room, examining Mrs. Poppy’s and where she stands. When I noted that she is in the back helping a student, nowhere near the door. I went the opposite direction of the nurse’s office, and to Tammie’s abandoned locker.

Coming around the corner I found no one nearby. Hers, like many others were open, showing that her black backpack was still inside, meaning she didn’t leave the school grounds.

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