Chapter 16 - The mysterous girl

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Hours went by and still no sign of the mysterious girl. Her voice was a question to me. Why would someone I don’t know want to see me?

 Millions of reasons are brought to my knowledge but only two stands out.

 On one hand she could possibly be a reporter who wants to take pictures for an article. Or she could be a zombie wanting to eat my face, to be put on its leader!

 I really hope she is a reporter. Great, the first time I’m in the local paper and I look like this.  From what I hear, I have a black and blue circling my left cheek, a deep stitching running down the length of my forehead to my jaw on the right side and random scraps everywhere in between. I look like Cinderella, before the bibbidi-bobbidi-boo.  

So now I think about it, I’d rather have the zombies suffer with my ugly face. Moments go by with the picture of a ragged green zombie with my face flouting in my mind. Then the other side of my bed makes a wrinkled noise and dips down, scaring me half to death. I remind myself to not be stupid and realize that Kyle was and has been at my side since the accident.  

Waiting and listening for Kyle to talk or do something, I’m disappointed when my ears meet silence. Where is Kyle, he was just here? Again I hear nothing but shoes meeting the grant ground out in the hallway. No heavy breathing or the usual nonstop talking.  That only means that he went to the restroom and will be back quickly telling me more stories in hopes that I will awake.

 Maybe now I can relax and focus on waking up and getting out of this mess. Struggling inside I feel nothing on the outside. My heart monitor starts racing like before, it picks up speed as I try harder. Automatically oxygen refills itself and pours down my throat and up my nose. Huh, that went well, note my sarcasm.  

The pounding of feet exit the hallway and enter into the room. For a mere second I believe it is Kyle back from the restroom, but my mind betrays me as my ears discover the truth that it was in fact the mysterious girl. It was the same swoosh of the skirt that kept me firm on the belief of it being the same girl as a few hours before.

  Another pair of feet enters the room; heels carefully place one in front of the other as she closes the door and slowly draws the blinds.  Two chairs are pulled from the corner of the room and scrape the floor as there pulled along until they reach the edge of my hospital bed. Easy even breaths feel my room, yet no one speaks. It must have been hour until someone spoke; really it was probably only seconds.   

“I’m sorry Alex about what happened.”

It was the mysterious girl; I recognize her voice from earlier.  A soft grunt is followed after one hit the other in the ribs. Singling something.

 “Um, yeah, I … guess I’m sorry too.”


 Her voice is smooth and sends chills running up my spine, giving goose bumps to leave trails scattered about my arms. Well not really, because I can’t feel anything I just imagine that this was what would happen when I came in contact with the evil boyfriend stealing witch!

 “This doesn’t mean I don’t hate you any less!”

 Quickly Tammie adds the obvious mutual feeling that ends the sappy hallmark card bonding moment we briefly shared.


The other girl whines at her friend’s sudden outburst.

 “Oh, sorry. This is my best friend/cousin Zoey.”

 A slight groan was heard before Zoey’s peppy voice breaks through.

 “Yeah, hi. You look like a good person; I think we will be good friends!”

 A loud bang echo’s through the walls and almost makes me wince.

 “Are you really that stupid?!”

  Zoey cringes and tries to respond but can’t come to doing a full sentence.

“Have you not been listening to me at all? This girl RUINED my life; she can never fix what she did!”

Im so sorry I took so long! I hate not updating! But I have been in and out of ski trips and doing really fun hangouts with my friends. I know not a good excuse, but I’ll be back to normal soon.  Another horrible thing is that this is like only 761 words! I’m horrible! But remember ill update soon!So please don’t stop,




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