Harry Back at the Burrow

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Sarafina's POV

So far I have drawn a picture of Buckbeak and Dotty, mum sent a copy to Hagrid. I also did a drawing of Padfoot and Moony sending a copy to them. Today Harry was arriving at the Burrow. "Fred don't forget these" I say giving him bag of the sweets he and George have been making. "We wouldn't Dudley to ruin his new diet, would we?" I say smirking.

"Of course we wouldn't" Fred states also smirking.

"We've taught you well Sara" George says wrapping an arm around me. My family and I are going to the Quidditch World Cup. Dad was taking Fred, George and Ron to collect Harry today. I was staying back encase Hermione arrived early. Also I wanted to catch up with Bill and Charlie as they were here also for the World Cup.

"Ok everything is set up time to collect Harry" Dad states entering the room. Fred stuffed the bag of sweets out of sight in his pocket. "Sure you don't want to tag along Sarafina?" he asks.

"I'm good Dad, besides Bill challenged me to a game of wizards chess" I reply.

He nods his head and steps into the fire grabbing a pinch of floo powder. He had bag that they could use to get home from the Dursley's fireplace. "Four Privet Drive" Dad says dropping the floo powder. He disappeared in the green flames and Fred followed shortly after sending me a wink. George gave me a thumbs up before leaving and Ron looked at me confused before leaving also.

"What was that about?" Charlie asks me.

"Nothing at all dear brother" I say innocently. "Now Bill are you prepared to lose at chess?" I ask. As I sat at the table where the board was already set.

"That's big talk for a little girl" Bill teases and makes the first move. "Now what were you discussing with Fred and George?" he asks as Charlie joins us at the table. "I saw the smirks you and Fred had" he states.

"We're just pulling a small prank on Harry's cousin" I say and move one of my pawns forward.

"You know mum will be furious if she finds out" Charlie state.s

"She won't and if she does Fred & George won't dob me in" I remind him. Fred and George always have my back when Mum gets angry at our pranks. Besides it's not like the sweets are life threatening. Bill and I continued to play our game while Charlie watched.

Soon the others came back Fred arrived first sending me a smirk "I did it" he says. George then arrives with Harry's trunk. Bill and I had nearly finished our game, but family & guests come first. I stood up as Ron arrived, he said Harry was right behind him.

"Let's hope he doesn't end up in Knockturn Alley again" I tell my brother and we all chuckle. Harry arrived and Fred asked if Dudley eat the sweet. He did apparently and Harry asked want it was that his cousin ate.

"Ton Tongue Toffee, George and I have been looking for someone to test it on" Fred states. Charlie and Bill introduced themselves to Harry. Then Dad arrived back by apperating.

"What did you give that poor muggle boy?" Dad demands of Fred.

"I didn't give him anything" Fred states. "I dropped it and he ate it" Fred explains. "Not my fault he ate something he shouldn't have" he states.

"You dropped it on purpose knowing he was on a diet" Dad states.

"How big did his tongue get?" George and I ask.

"It was four feet long before he's parents allowed me to help" Dad states. We all laughed at that, now I wish I had gone to see that show. "It isn't funny" Dad snaps stopping us from laughing, but I was still giggling. "I spend half my time fighting against mistreatment of muggles and my own sons & daughter" Dad starts to say when Fred and I cut him off.

"I wasn't even there" I state pouting.

"Besides we didn't give it to him because he was a muggle" Fred adds.

"We gave it to him because a big bullying git" George explains and we high three.

"That's beside the point, wait until I tell your mother" Dad threatens. But I knew he wasn't serious, to bad Mum heard him as she entered the room. Along with Ginny and Hermione.

"Tell me what Arthur?" she asks then spots Harry. "Hello Harry" she says giving him a hug.

"Hermione you made it" I say smiling as I give her a hug. "I think Ginny and I should show you to our room" I state. They agreed and we sneaked away as I smirked at Fred. He and George playfully glared at me escaping Mum's wraith. But we went to Ron's room instead of ours as we saw Harry and Ron following us.

Harry asked what 'Weasley Wizard Wheezes' is. Ron and Ginny laughed so I decided to explain. "Their joke products Fred and George have made, they plan on opening a shop one day. Though Mum wants them to work at the ministry like Dad" I state. Percy then stuck his head out of his room and said hi to Harry. Then told us to stop thundering up the staircase as he was working on a report, I rolled my eyes.

We reached Ron's room and his new owl was making a lot of noise. "Shut up Pig" Ron tells the owl. Harry asked Ron while he calls the owl 'Pig'.

"Because he's being stupid" Ginny states.

"The owl's proper name is Pigwidgeon" I tell Harry. "Ginny and I named him" I state smiling at the small owl. Yuki entered the room and jumped onto my shoulder purring. "Hermione where's Crookshanks?" I ask her.

"I out in the garden chasing gnomes, he's never seen them before" she states as she pats Yuki's head. She then asked Harry how's his summer has been and if he got the food parcels. "I think they've stopped arguing now, want to go help your mum prepare dinner?" she asks Ginny and I.

We all went downstairs and Mum told us we were eating outside in the garden. I went to help Bill and Charlie while the others stayed to see if she needed help. Yuki spotted Crookshanks and jumped off my shoulder heading over to him. Bill and Charlie were batting the tables together while Fred cheered with George. "I got five sickles on Charlie" I tell them.

"You're on" they state as we continue to watch and cheer. Bill started to win when Perce told us to be quiet from his window. Charlie and Bill placed the tables down, then Bill fixed them with a wave of his wand. "You owe us five sickles" Fred and George state.

"No I don't they never finished the fight" I say smiling. They grumbled as mum appeared with the food. We all sat at the table having out own conversations, I was talking to Fred, Charlie and George about the world cup.

"It's going to be Ireland" Charlie states.

"I agree, they flattened Peru in the semi-finals" I add.

"Bulgaria have Victor Krum though" Fred reminds us.

"Krum is a decent player" Charlie admits.

"But Ireland have seven" I add. Soon dinner was over and Mum made us go to bed early as we have to get up before dawn. Ginny, Hermione and I went to our room after saying goodnight to everyone. We brushed our teeth and changed into our pj's before going to sleep.


Gif above of the Burrow.

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