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Hey guys! So in the Authors Note section on the last couple of chapters I've been mentioning doing a Q&A. I took questions from here on Wattpad and on my Instagram. You guys asked about the story and other things and here are the answers!


1- What was your favorite chapter to write? Least favorite?

I actually have 3 that are my favorites: 12 (their first date), 17 (her draw my life), and 34 (her nightmare). 12 because I was really happy to finally have them be together. Then chapters 17 and 34 because they were both challenging to write and I'm proud of how they turned out. Especially with 17. I had to come up with Caroline's complete backstory. Her Draw My Life was definitely one of the things I knew I wanted to include in the story when I first started writing and I'm really happy with it (:

As far as least favorite chapters go, there isn't a specific chapter that really annoyed me that badly. But I didn't really like writing about Sam. So I guess anything with him in it lol. But I did like writing the fight scene (I guess you would call it) when he brakes her rib (it took me literally 10 minutes to find which chapter it is, but it's chapter 14).

2- Is Caroline supposed to look like the girl in the SOML music video?

If that's how you imagine her to look like, then sure. I never picked a cast for the story for 2 reasons. #1, everyone but Caroline is a youtuber, so you pretty much already know what everyone looks like. And #2, I wanted to leave how Caroline looks as an open interpretation (if that makes any sense).

3- What is your favorite part of this fan fiction?

Oh gosh. Anything but the beginning, really. For starters, the first few chapters are all super short in comparison to more recent ones. Looking back I think some of the stuff I wrote in the beginning is so dumb. Like the bed frame breaking? WTF was I even thinking with that??? But if you're looking for a specific answer (which I'm sure you are), my favorite part is probably when they started dating. Because that meant that I could make them do more coupley (is that even a word?) things.

4- How do pigs fly?

There's only one logical explanation: with their magical powers. Don't judge my logic :P (actually it's ok if you do because I'm secretly judging myself right now)

5- What inspired you to write fanfiction?

To answer that question, we I'd have to go back to the summer, when I got addicted to reading fanfics. The first one I read was called 'Loving Him' and I think it really opened my eyes to the whole fanfic thing. I always thought that fanfics were all creepy and overly sexual or whatever, but then I found out that they weren't and I started to read them. After reading 'The Youtube Friend' and 'My Youtube Boyfriend' (which are my favorite Joey fanfics), I really wanted to write a fanfic. I had so many ideas of things I wanted to write about and eventually I started writing. But at first I put off writing. Looking back I don't remember why and I really wished I started writing sooner. So if any of you guys reading this are thinking of starting a fanfic, go for it! :D


So I guess that's it for my Q&A. It's the first one I've done, so sorry if the format of it was a little unorganized; I'll try to make it better whenever I do another one of these. But that probably won't be until FWH is over or almost over (not anytime soon).

Also, sorry for posting 2 non-chapters in a row. I'm trying my best to get the next chapter done, but I can't think of things to write and I want it to be a good chapter since I haven't posted a chapter in a while. But I'd like to thank everyone for their patience and not telling me I need to hurry up in the comments :P

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