Chapter 6

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Caroline's POV

Well, today's the day that I leave for Santa Monica with Sam. If I'm lucky he won't hurt me. The only things I have left to pack are my laptop and it's charger, my canon camera, and my vlogging camera. After I got dressed I put them in a suitcase.

At around 10 AM Sam got to my apartment. He honked to let me know he was here. I put my bags in his cars trunk and sat in the passenger seat.

Off to Santa Monica!

Joey's POV

I woke up and checked the time on my phone. It was about 11:45. I knew that Caroline was off to Santa Monica with Sam by now. I got a kinda weird feeling inside of me. Was I jealous of Sam being her boyfriend? Or do I feel angry because of all that he has put Caroline through? Whatever it was, I hated the feeling of it.

-Fast Forward to Sunday-

Caroline's POV

So far the trip hasn't been complete crap. Has Sam yelled at me? Yep. Has he tried to have sex with me? Sure, he's tried. But don't worry, I told him off. Other than those things, not much had happened.

I vlogged a bunch of my trip. I rewatched some of the footage I got and some of it looks pretty good (if I do say so myself).

I saw Joey while playing MCSG (hungercraft) the other night. He was playing on his account that he doesn't record on. We teamed up and made it to deathmatch. When it was down to the two of us, I set fire to the rain (as Joey puts it), shot him with arrows, and hit him with my diamond sword. Needless to say, I won. Just about right after the game was over he texted me.

-text messages-

J- good game :P
C- back at ya!

I closed my laptop and went over to the bed, where Sam sat while watching TV.

Sam: "Do we still have some chips in here?"

I walked over to the bag that held our snacks. There weren't any chips.

Me: "Nah, there's none left. But I'll go to the gas station and buy some."
Sam: "K."

I slipped on my flip flops, grabbed my vlogging camera, hotel room key, and Sam's car keys.

Sam's POV

Finally, I have the room to myself. But I don't want it to myself. I made a beautiful new friend named Becca on the beach today while Caroline was getting some footage for a video. It just so happens that Becca is staying in the same hotel. I called her up and invited her down to my room. She came over a minute later.

Sam: (while opening the door) "Hey."
Becca: "Hey."

She walked in and winked at me. She keeps flirting while we talk. Two can play this game. I started flirting back at her. Thanks to my sweet talk, after about 5 minutes we were having sex.


Caroline's POV

After I bought some snacks at the gas station, I went into my car and decided to vlog.

Me: "Hai there everyone! I just went to the gas station to get some snacky snacks and I thought I would show you guys what I bought."

I showed some chips, some bottles of soda, the cherry Icee I was drinking, and a few other things. I put my camera away while I vlogged and took it back out in the elevator to me and Sam's hotel room. The elevator was playing music so I danced to it. When I got to my floor I walked down the hallway back to the room.

Me: "So anyways today is our last full day here. We're heading back to LA tomorrow. I liked the beach and everything, but I miss my apartment, friends, and-"

I got to the room and I heard moaning and bed springs through the door. It didn't take long for me to put the pieces of the puzzle together. I slipped my vlogging camera on my wrist (it has a wrist strap on it) and rushed to get my hotel room key out. When the door unlocked I saw a blonde girl fucking my boyfriend.

Sam: (pushing the girl off) "It's not what it looks like!"
Me: "Then what the fuck is it Sam?"

He didn't say anything. I held back the tears. Although he abused me and was a shit boyfriend, I didn't want him to see me cry over him.

Me: "That's what I fucking thought."

I put my Icee and the bag of snacks down. I packed my things and put my suitcase by the door.

Me: (pointing at Sam) "Fuck you!"

I threw the bag of chips I bought at him.

Me: "Three things. 1- We're over! For good! 2- (pointing at the girl) He's abusive and he'll probably start beating you up in a few weeks. So good luck with that. And 3-"

I grabbed my Icee and walked over to the bed. I took off the lid and dumped the Icee on Sam. Then I gave him the middle finger.

I walked back to the door, grabbed my stuff, walked out, and slammed the door behind me. When I got to the elevator I realized that my camera was still on and recorded the whole thing. I quickly turned it off.

When I made it to the hotel parking lot, I went over to Sam's car and took my stuff out of it. Then I got out and began to walk. I'm not sure where I'm going, but anywhere is better than where I am now. After walking for about 30 minutes, I found myself at a Target. I sat down on a bench in front of the store and wiped away my tears. I need to call someone to take me home. Without even thinking I called Joey.

-on the phone-

Joey: "Hey, how's your trip?"
Me: "Can you come get me?"
Joey: "Sure. But aren't you still in Santa Monica?"
Me: "Yeah. But I want to go home."
Joey: "It's gonna take me a while to get there."
Me: (sniffling) "I know. But please hurry Joey."
Joey: "I'm heading to my car now."
Me: "I'm going to a motel now. I'll text you the address."
Joey: "Ok."
Me: "Joey?"
Joey: "Yes Caroline?"
Me: "Thank you."
Joey: "No problem. I'm driving now so I'm going to hang up ok?"
Me: "Ok. Bye Joey."
Joey: "I'll see you in a bit."

-end phone call-

I walked to a nearby motel. When I got in my room I texted Joey the address.

Joey's POV

I don't know what Sam did to her, but he must have really messed up. I could tell that Caroline was crying her heart out. I sighed. Who would do something bad to her? Caroline is amazing. Sam's a real idiot.

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