Chapter 15

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Joey's POV

I woke up and Caroline was still sleeping. I took this opportunity to take a picture of her sleeping and post it on twitter.

Joeygraceffa: I found a real life sleeping beauty @thatgirlcaroline

I went downstairs to the kitchen area. I took out the eggyanyas and saw that she only had 1 egg left. I put the eggs back in the fridge, since I need 2 eggs for my breakfast, and took some Cheerios out of the pantry.

Caroline's POV

When I woke up Joey wasn't next to me. He's probably downstairs eating breakfast. I grabbed my glasses off of my bedside table and put them on. When I walked downstairs I saw Joey pouring cereal in a bowl. I walked behind him and wrapped him in my arms.

Me: "Good morning."

He turned around and gave me a kiss.

Joey: "Indeed it is. How's your rib?"
Me: "Swollen. Hurting. But it's more tolerable than it was last night."
Joey: "You need to take one of the pills the doctor gave you."
Me: "Ok."

I walked over to the counter and opened the bottle of pills. I got a glass of water and took the pill.

Me: "We still need to film a Q&A video."
Joey: "We can do it later if you want."
Me: "I want."

I poured myself a bowl of cereal and joined Joey on the couch.

-later that day-

Me: "I'm going to look for questions on twitter."
Joey: "Ok."

When I first opened twitter I saw a picture of me sleeping that Joey tweeted this morning.

thatgirlcaroline: @JoeyGraceffa I'm gonna get you back when you least expect it #thismeanswar

After searching for a while, I had a good number of questions. I put on a nice shirt and did my makeup.

Joey was upstairs setting up the camera and the lights. I finished getting ready before he was done, so I took got my vlogging camera and started recording.

Me: "Long time no vlog! Sorry I haven't vlogged recently. I've pretty much just been doing nothing and if I'm going to vlog I want to do something fun for you guys. But right now Joey and I are getting ready to answer some twitter questions."

I walked up the stairs to the third floor of my apartment.

Me: "Joey say hi to my peeps!"
Joey: "Hello there peeps! Did you tell them what we're doing today?"
Me: "Yep."
Joey: "Did you tell them about your rib?"

I turned the camera back on me.

Me: "So last night I broke one of my ribs. And it's swollen and hurts. But the doctor gave me some drugs, the good kind though, and it's a little better now."
Joey: "Good. We gotta make sure you're all better in time for Vidconanya!"
Me: "If you guys didn't already know, we'll be at vidcon this year."
Joey: "I'm excited. I think this year is going to be bigger than last year."
Me: "Same. I just hope it isn't too stressful. Because vidcon is when you're able to film a ton of collabs with youtubers from other places. And plus there's all the meetups and everything."
Joey: "At least we won't have to edit the videos right away."
Me: "True. Well we're going to film now. I'll probably vlog some more tonight, so yeah."

I stopped recording and put my camera down on a table.

Joey: "Ready to film?"
Me: "Yep."

I walked over to where the camera, lights, and two chairs were set up. I sat down on the first chair and I checked the view finder to make sure he was in focus. I pressed record and sat down on the other chair.

Joey: "Well hello there everyone! As you can tell by the title of this video, Caroline and I are going to answer some questions that you guys asked us on Twitter."
Me: "We'll be doing 5 questions here on Joey's channel and 5 more on my channel. So without further adieu, let's get started!"

Question 1- What's something the other person does that annoys you?

Joey: "She eats ice-cream in front of me."
Me: "It's true. Just because you eat healthy all the time doesn't mean I have to. But one thing that Joey does that annoys me is... That he's wearing clothes right now."

I gave the camera a really creepy stare. Joey and I were cracking up a few seconds later. Laughing made my rib hurt, so I tried to stop.

Joey: "You're so creepy!"
Me: "I know. But in all seriousness, something he does that annoys me is that he hates doing laundry. So I end up doing it for him."
Joey: "I never asked for you to do it, you just do it."
Me: "Because you need clean clothes."

Question 2- What was your first date?

Me: "A moonlight picnic. We had the best view of LA and it was romantic and perfect."
Joey: "It was pretty perfect, if I do say so myself."

Question 3- What's the first thing you noticed about each other?

Joey: "Her hair."
Me: "His ass."
Joey: "My ass?"
Me: "Well you were facing away from me, so yeah. Your ass. But if you want to know what I first noticed when I actually saw your face, then your eyes."

Question 4- What's one word that best describes the other person?

Joey: "Lovely."
Me: "Majestic."
Joey: (laughing) "Why majestic?"
Me: "Why not majestic?"
Joey: "Touché."

Question 5- Do you guys think you have a future together?

Joey: "I think so."
Me: "If someone told me to imagine where I would be in 5 years, Joey would be there with me."

We kissed.

Joey: "Well I guess that's it for this video. If you liked it make sure to give it a big thumbs up. And be sure to watch part 2 of this video on Caroline's channel."
Me: "And don't forget to subscribe to our channels, follow us on Twitter, like us on Facebook, and all that good stuff."
Joey: "May the odds be ever in your favor, goodbye!"

-filming part 2-

Me: "Howdy all you people. Today I'm here with-"
Joey: "The lovely and amazing Joey!"
Me: "Yep. We're going to answer some questions that you guys asked us on twitter. We already answered some on Joey's channel, so be sure to watch that when this video is over."

Question 1- How many kids do you want?

Me: "2."
Joey: "Same."

Question 2- Can you change into each others clothes?

Joey: "Girl I can't fit in your clothes. You're a lot smaller than me."
Me: "Then this should be fun. Now, using the power of jump cuts, we will snap our fingers and change clothes!"

We both snapped.

-a few minutes later-

We snapped again.

Me: "How magical!"
Joey: "Wow, that's a nice shirt you have there. Where did you get it?"
Me: "At a new store called 'My Boyfriend'. But tell me. Where did you get your shirt?"
Joey: "At 'My Girlfriends Closet'."
Me: "Well you might have to go back and exchange it for a bigger size because it looks kinda tight on you."
Joey: "That's because it is. Can we change back in our clothes now?"
Me: "Fine."

We snapped a third time, got changed, and snapped once more.

Me: "Jump cuts are so magical."
Joey: "They really are."

Question 3- Something you guys like to do together?

Joey: "Movie nights."
Me: "Yes!"
Joey: "We sometimes pull all nighters and just watch movies the whole time."
Me: "I also like having anime marathons together."
Joey: "Me too."

Question 4- What's something you didn't know about the other person until you started dating?

Joey: "That Caroline is really good at cooking."
Me: "I'm not that good."
Joey: "Well you make good chicken, which is good enough for me."
Me: "Ok. Anyways, I've learned that Joey hates doing laundry."
Joey: "How did you not know that before?"

I shrugged.

Me: "I dunno. I guess I just never noticed how overflowed your hamper always is."

Question 5- Which is better: Shoey or Coey?

Me: "I think that's an easy one."
Joey: "Yeah. I mean it's pretty obvious which is better."
Me: "The answer is obviously Shoey."
Joey: "What?"
Me: "Shoey!"
Joey: "What about us?"
Me: "I mean we're awesome and stuff, but Shoey is just better. And why are you so surprised? You know I'm a Shoey shipper."
Joey: "Are you a Coey shipper too?"

I sighed.

Me: "I guess."
Joey: "Yay."

Me: "Well I suppose that's all for this video. I hope you enjoyed watching it, because we had fun making it."
Joey: "Make sure you give the video a thumbs up and watch part 1 on my channel if you already haven't."
Me: "I'll have links to all of our social media stuff in the thingy thing down below. As always, thanks for watching and ill see you next week. Byeeee!"
Joey: "Bye!"

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