Chapter 35

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Joey's POV

I woke up around 7 AM to the alarm on my phone going off. I quickly turned off the alarm before it woke Caroline up too. Although I tried my hardest not to wake her up as I got out of bed, she woke up.

Caroline: "Joey?"
Me: "Yeah?"
Caroline: "What time is it?"
Me: "7. I have to get ready to go shoot Storytellers."
Caroline: "Oh."
Me: "You can go back to sleep if you want."
Caroline: "Nah, it's ok."
Me: "Are you sure?"
Caroline: "Yeah."

She got out of bed and followed me into the bathroom. We both brushed our teeth before heading downstairs for breakfast. As usual, I made eggs and a smoothie for Caroline and I to share as Caroline vlogged.

Caroline: "Good morning! I haven't been up this early in a while. Anyways, today is Friday. Right now Joey's making breakfast."
Me: "Actually, Joey just finished making breakfast."
Caroline: "Yay! Lets eat."

She put her camera down and I handed her a plate of food and a smoothie. We brought our food to the couch so we could watch TV and eat.

Me: "So are you all better from last night?"
Caroline: "Yeah."
Me: "Good. I hate seeing you like that."
Caroline: "I know. Sorry."
Me: "Don't be."
Caroline: "But it's hard not to... Can we talk about something else?"
Me: "Of course. What do you want to talk about?"
Caroline: "I dunno. Isn't today the last day of filming for Storytellers?"
Me: "Yep. That reminds me; tomorrow there is a wrap party. Wanna come?"
Caroline: "Sure!"
Me: "Awesome."

After I finished eating I got dressed and then went into my bathroom to do my hair. When I walked out, Caroline was laying on my bed on my laptop.

Caroline: "Are you leaving now?"
Me: "In a few minutes."

I joined her on the bed and watched as she reblogged things on Tumblr. When she finished, she moved the laptop away and snuggled next to me. She kissed my cheek before giving me a hug. Caroline looked into my eyes and smiled. I smiled back before kissing her. We stayed in each others arms until I had to get up to leave. Caroline walked downstairs with me.

Caroline: "Is today another night shoot?"
Me: "Nope. So I should be back around dinner time."
Caroline: "Ok. Come over to my apartment when you get back and we can make something to eat."
Me: "Ok."

I kissed her one last time before I left the apartment.

-later that day-

Caroline's POV

I had just finished editing a vlog when I heard my doorbell ring. I went downstairs and opened the door. Joey stood there with a smile on his face.

Me: "You know I gave you a key to my apartment, right?"
Joey: "Yeah. But I like it when you answer the door."

He followed me inside and sat down with me on the couch.

Me: "So how was filming?"
Joey: "Good. I'm kinda sad it was the last day. But I'm kinda happy at the same time."
Me: "Well are you ready to cook dinner?"
Joey: "As long as we're cooking chicken and-"
Me: "And vegetables. Don't worry, that's what I was planning on us having."

After we ate, we cuddled on the couch. Joey was laying down and I was laying down next to him. His arms were around me and they held me close to him. I had my right arm around his stomach and my head on his chest. I listened to his breathing as he talked. Everything was peaceful and perfect. I looked up at Joey and saw his green eyes looking back at me. He moved his head down and kissed me. The kiss was long and passionate. Both of us were out of breath when it was over.

Joey: "I love you so much."
Me: "I love you more."

-the next night-

Tonight is the wrap party for Storytellers. It's gonna be pretty fun. Right now I'm trying to pick out something to wear. After looking through my closet for 20 minutes, I decided on a dress and a cardigan. The dress had short sleeves and was white on top. It had a black skirt that goes down to above my knees. The cardigan I picked out was a pale pink. For shoes I chose a pair of plain black heels. After doing my makeup and putting loose curls in my hair, I pinned my side-bang back.

I texted Joey as I walked down the stairs.

C: I'm ready (:
J: ok. I'll be right over <3
C: <3

After about a minute, Joey opened the door and walked in.

Me: "I see you remembered you have a key."
Joey: "Yep. You look beautiful, Caroline."
Me: "Thank you. You don't look too bad yourself."

He was wearing a striped shirt, a blazer, skinny jeans, and a pair of dark brown dress shoes. Joey gave me a kiss on the cheek before taking my hand. We left my apartment and walked to Satsuki. The wrap party was at a restaurant 20 minutes away from our apartments.

-outside of the restaurant-

Joey: "I just want to remind you that Jessica is here."
Me: "Well I figured she would be. But I'm not going to let her ruin the night."
Joey: "Good."

We got out of Satsuki and held hands as we walked into the restaurant.

Pierson: "Look whose here!"
Joey: "It is I."
Pierson: "And I assume this is Caroline?"
Me: "Yes. It's nice to meet you, Pierson."
Pierson: "You too. I've heard a lot about you. Actually, everyone has. You're all Joey talks about."
Me: (looking at Joey) "Is that so?"
Joey: "No. Maybe. Kinda."
Pierson: "Yes."

I laughed. After talking with Pierson for a bit, Joey took me around and introduced me to the other cast members and some of the crew members. Everyone was super nice. And the food was pretty good. As I was talking with Devyn and Kristina, I excused myself to use the bathroom. Unfortunately, when I went to the bathroom I saw the one person I was trying my best to stay away from all night.

Jessica: "So we meet again."

What do I say? If I should say anything at all, that is.

Me: "Seems that way."

Jessica glanced at me in the mirror with her dark brown eyes as she washed her hands. Maybe I should try to fix things (even though I did nothing wrong)...

Me: "You know, I thought about it and I think we got off on the wrong foot."

She raised her eyebrows. I guess that wasn't what she was expecting me to say.

Me: "I mean you and I could get along, Jessica."
Jessica: "No, I don't think we can. I can see right through your little act, Caroline."
Me: "My act?"
Jessica: "Yeah. So don't bother trying to play me."
Me: "Hey, I'm just trying to fix things."
Jessica: (rolling her eyes) "Don't bother."

Jessica left the bathroom. What a bitch. I can't wait until I don't have to see her anymore.

Joey's POV

As I ate I sat next to Caroline. But after a few minutes passed, Jessica came and sat on the other side of me. She was a little too close. She put her hand on my leg and looked into my eyes. I moved her hand off of me as I got up.

Me: "Stop it Jessica."

I took Caroline's hand and we walked over to Kristina, Jake, Devyn, and Pierson. We mainly hung out with them for most of the night. Jessica came over and talked with everyone for a bit. Thankfully she didn't start anything. I think Caroline was having a good time. I could tell that she really liked everyone and that everyone really liked her back. When the wrap party ended, Caroline and I said goodbye to everyone and then walked back to Satsuki.

I opened the passenger side door for Caroline and closed it after she got in. Then I went around to the drivers side and got in.

Caroline: "That was fun! Everyone is super nice."
Me: "I'm glad you came."
Caroline: "Me too."
Me: "I'm surprised that there wasn't any drama with Jessica."
Caroline: "Yeah. The only time I talked to her was in the bathroom. She said that she could see right through my act."
Me: "Your act?"
Caroline: "Yeah. But I don't know what she meant. I mean I was trying to be nice to her so that could have been what she was talking about."

I checked the time on my phone. It said 10:00.

Me: "It's only 10. The nights still young. Want to go anywhere?"
Caroline: "Sure."
Me: "Alright. Where to?"
Caroline: "Surprise me, Graceffa."
Me: "And surprise you I shall."

I decided to drive to Third Street. I remember that Caroline told me about a bakery that's there. After a 15 minute drive, we made it to Third Street.

Caroline: "So where are we going?"
Me: "That bakery you mentioned a few days ago."
Caroline: "Yay!"

When we got to the bakery we ordered a slice of cake to share since the slices were pretty big. We chose vanilla cake with chocolate icing. Caroline and I took turns feeding each other. Normally I wouldn't eat cake, but I decided to treat myself tonight.

Caroline: "That was yummy."
Me: "Agreed."

When we got to our apartments, we decided to spend the night at Caroline's. After playing Minecraft together for a couple of hours, both of us were tired. We got ready for bed and then laid down on her bed.

Caroline: "Goodnight, Graceffa."

I smiled. I think it's cute that she calls me 'Graceffa'.

Me: "Goodnight, Matthews."

-Authors Note-

Well hello there everyone ;)
Thanks for reading the new chapter. I hope you enjoyed it. Chapter 36 will be up on Friday! I have exams next week so I have to start studying soon, so I'm sorry if the next few chapters are a little shorter than usual or if they are up late >.< I'll try my best to make them their usual length and have them up on time. Once again, thanks for reading! \(^_^)/

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