Chapter 11

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Joey's POV

I woke up the next morning and saw that I had a text from Caroline.

-over text messages-

C- hey you can come over whenever so we can finish editing
J- k. I'll be there in half an hour or so
C- k. See ya then

I got out of bed, brushed my teeth, ate a quick breakfast, got dressed, and did my hair. I grabbed my vlogging camera off of my desk and headed over to Caroline's. I started vlogging.

Me: "Well hello there everyone. Today I'm going over to Caroline's to finish editing Thursdays video. And I don't really know what else I'm gonna do today. I'll probably go to the gym or something and then make a smoothieanya."

I knocked on Caroline's door.

Me: "Open up you whore."

Caroline opened the door. She didn't have any makeup on. But she doesn't really need any; she looks beautiful without any. She also had glasses on. She was wearing gym shorts and a sports bra, but was putting on a sweatshirt as she opened the door.

Caroline: "Oh so I'm a whore?"
Me: "You know that's not what I meant."
Caroline: "Sure it isn't. Anyways come on in."
Me: "Alright well we're gonna do some editing so I'll vlog when were done."

I turned off my camera and put it in my pocket.

Me: "I didn't know you wore contacts."
Caroline: "I was actually about to put them in."
Me: "Don't."
Caroline: "What?"
Me: "I think you look pretty with glasses."
Caroline: "So you're saying I look ugly without them?"
Me: "What? No, I-"
Caroline: "Calm down, I'm just messing with you."

We walked upstairs to her room and worked on editing the video we shot for her channel. After a couple of hours, the video was done editing. We watched both of our videos and they were pretty funny. When her video got to the part when I told her she was beautiful, she blushed and looked down at her hands.

After watching them I vlogged for a bit.

Me: "The videos are done and ready for tomorrow!"
Caroline: "Yay."
Me: "You don't sound excited enough."
Caroline: "Fine. YAY!!!"

This time she was jumping around and clapping.

Me: "Thats better."
Caroline: "Now all that's left are the thumbnails. But they are pretty simple to make."
Me: "Especially after you do them everyday."

Caroline nodded in agreement. I stopped recording and put my camera down.

Caroline's POV

After the thumbnails were finished, it was around 1:30.

Me: "You hungry?"
Joey: "Yep."
Me: "We can make sandwiches if you want."
Joey: "Ok."

We ate our sandwiches while we flipped through TV channels.

Joey: "Thanks for the sandwich."
Me: "No problem."
Joey: "I'm gonna head back to my apartment now. I'm gonna go to the gym."
Me: "I was gonna go to the gym today too. What gym do you go to?"
Joey: "The one by Fresh Market and Ralph's."
Me: "Thats the one I go to!"

Of course. We would go to the same gym.

Joey: "We would drive there together if you want."
Me: "Sure."

After Joey left, I got ready to go to the gym. He came back 20 minutes later. I volunteered to drive.

-at the gym-

I was running on a treadmill while listening to music. I had a nice view of Joey lifting weights. I couldn't stop myself from looking at him most of the time. He has such strong arms. Most of the time I just want to be wrapped in them. Whenever Joey looked over at me I turned my head away. I didn't want him knowing I was watching him.

When we were both ready to leave we walked into the parking lot and walked to my car.

Joey: (smiling) "I know you were staring at me the whole time."
Me: "No I wasn't."
Joey: "Yeah you were."
Me: "No I wasn't."
Joey: "You totally were!"
Me: "Fine. I was."
Joey: "Did you like what you saw?"

I chuckled and rolled my eyes.

Joey: "I'll take your eye rolling as a yes."
Me: "Whatever floats your boat, Joey."

On the way back to our apartments we talked about TV shows. Turns out we both love Skins and Adventure Time.

-the next day-

Joey's POV

I was reading some fanmail when I got a text from Meghan.

-over text messages-

M- hey Joey! I haven't seen you in ever!
J- hey girl (: and yeah I know!
M- wanna hang out tomorrow after lunch?
J- can't. I'm going hiking with Caroline
M- are you free for dinner?
J- yep! wanna come over for dinner?
M- sure! when should I get there?
J- how about 7?
M- sounds good. See ya then!
J- see ya!

-the next day-

Joey's POV

Caroline and I are on our hike. I took her to one of my favorite trails. When you get to the top there is an amazing view of LA. We're almost to the top.

Caroline: "How much longer until we get to the top?"
Me: "Not long. Maybe 5 minutes."
Caroline: "Ok."
Me: "Do your feet hurt yet?"
Caroline: "Kinda. But I used to do pointe so this is nothing compared to it."
Me: "You used to dance?"
Caroline: "Yep. I did gymnastics too."
Me: "I used to do gymnastics too!"
Caroline: "Cool!"
Me: "When did you quit gymnastics?"
Caroline: "I stopped when I was 14."
Me: "When did you stop dancing?"
Caroline: "When I was about 18."
Me: "Were you good?"

She shrugged.

Caroline: "I'd like to think so. I can show you some videos of me dancing at competitions sometime if you want."
Me: "I want."

She smiled. About a minute later, we made it to the top.

Caroline: "This view is amazing!"
Me: "I told you it was."
Caroline: "Hold on for a minute while I Instagram this."

We both instagramed the view.

Caroline's POV

The view was breathtaking. I'm glad Joey brought me here to see it. We took a little break and sat down on one of the benches that was there. I noticed every few minutes that Joey kept moving closer to me. I didn't know wether to move closer to him or away from him, so I just stayed where I was. Eventually he was practically right against me. I put my head on Joey's shoulder. He put his arm around me. Part of me wants to stay in this moment forever.

-later that night-

Joey's POV

Meghan came over at 7. It was just me and her at the apartment; Sawyer was out filming a new short film. Meghan and I made salads. I put chicken on mine (of course). We sat on the couch and talked while we ate.

Meghan: "So?"
Me: "'So' what?"
Meghan: "How are things going with Caroline?"
Me: "You know that we aren't dating, right?"
Meghan: "Well not yet at least."
Me: "Things are pretty good, I guess. I'm waiting another month to take her on a date."
Meghan: "Got any ideas yet?"
Me: "Not yet, but I think I want to do something that's on her bucket list if I can."
Meghan: "I was talking to Caroline the other day and she mentioned making a video talking about her bucket list since people kept commenting about it."
Me: "Are you serious?"

Meghan nodded. Things were looking good.

Meghan: "You guys would be so cute together."

I smiled a little.

Me: "Thanks Meghansan."

-two weeks later-

Joey's POV

Caroline posted her bucket list video yesterday. She has a ton of things on that list. But one thing really got my attention; #26- go on a moonlight picnic. It sounds perfect. I bet I could take her to where we hiked two weeks ago. The view probably looks even more amazing at night. After I plan everything out, I'll ask her.

-two days later-

Caroline's POV

I was hanging out with Joey at his apartment. We were watching some anime. Joey got me hooked on anime. I didn't think I would like it at first, but I love it! Tonight we had a Studio Ghibli movie marathon, starting with My Neighbor Totoro and ending with Kiki's Delivery Service. When we finished watching Kiki, it was a little after 1:30 in the morning.

Me: "I should probably get going."
Joey: "Not so fast."
Me: "Huh?"
Joey: "I believe it's been 2 months."
Me: "I believe you're right."
Joey: "Will you go on a date with me?"

He sounded a little nervous. I'm not sure why though. Both of us already knew the answer.

Me: "I would love to."

We both smiled at each other.

Joey's POV

Caroline: "I should probably get going."
Me: "Not so fast."
Caroline: "Huh?"
Me: "I believe it's been 2 months."
Caroline: "I believe you're right."

I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna ask her to go on a date with me. I'm a little nervous even though I'm positive she'll say yes.

Me: "Will you go on a date with me?"
Caroline: "I would love to."

Both of us smiled.

Me: "Are you free for tomorrow night?"
Caroline: "Nope. I'm going on a date with some guy named Joey."
Me: "I'll text you the details around lunchtime."
Caroline: "Ok."

We said goodnight to each other and she left.

-Authors Note-

So right now in the story Joey has 1.7 million subscribers, Meghan and Jimmy are still together, and Caroline is 20 years old and Joey is 22.

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