Chapter 8

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Caroline's POV

-filming the video-

Me: "Oh hai. I didn't see you there. Anyways, I'm here with Joey Graceffa!"

I pointed to Joey a bunch of times.

Joey: "Hello there!"
Me: "We asked you guys on twitter to give us some questions for a Q&A video. We're gonna answer 10 questions, 5 on my channel and 5 on Joey's channel. So lets get started. Shall we?"
Joey: "We frickin' shall!"

Question 1: Are you guys dating?

Joey: "This question was like 80% of the questions asked."
Me: "Probably because of the video I posted with the bed frame breaking."
Joey: "Probably. But no, we aren't dating. And no, we didn't have sex either."
Me: "Joey is too gross to date and have sex with."
Joey: "Rude and disrespectful!"
Me: "I'm kidding! But I actually just ended my relationship with Sam and it didn't end so nicely. The whole relationship honestly wasn't nice. I'll eventually talk about what happened when I'm more comfortable about it. But long story short, I caught him cheating on me. But I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm not ready for another relationship right now."

Question 2: Who would win in a staring contest?

Me: "Is this really a question?"
Joey: "I don't know. Is it?"
Me: "Well for Joey and everyone else who doesn't know, I always win at staring contests. I can go over three minutes without blinking."
Joey: "Yeah right!"
Me: "Oh, do you not believe me?"
Joey: "Not really."
Me: "Well then."

We counted down from 3 and looked straight into each others eyes. I gotta admit, it was nice being able to look at Joey's green eyes. Joey blinked after 30 seconds.

Joey: "Must be nice to be able to not blink."
Me: "I'll have you know it is."

Question 3: If you could have one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?"

Joey and I: "Chicken! Jinx!"

Question 4: On a scale of 1 to 10 how hot is Joey?

Joey: "I feel like this is more directed at Caroline so... Caroline what do you say?"

He batted his eyes.

Me: "And I feel like you're the one who asked this question. Hand me the laptop."
Joey: "No!"
Me: "But it's my laptop."
Joey: "Fine. I didn't want your crusty laptop anyways."
Me: "You do realize that we have the same type of laptop, right?"
Joey: "Whatever."
Me: "Yep, Joey asked this one. But I guess you're like... an 8.5?"
Joey: "8.5?"
Me: "Yeah, 8.5. Maybe a 9."
Joey: "Well ok, I see how it is."

Question 5: How hot is Caroline on a scale of 1 to 10?

Me: "Well it's only fair so..."
Joey: "Do you want the truth?"
Me: "Lay it on me."
Joey: "11. I think you're very beautiful for spacious skies."
Me: "But I'm not though!"
Joey: "Yes, you are! How can you not see it?"
Me: "I can't see what isn't true."
Joey: "Don't say that."
Me: "Well I did. So there."

Joey: "Well I guess that's all the questions we have for this video."
Me: "Head over to Joey's channel to see us answer 5 more questions. Click his face now or click the link in the thingy thing down below. Thanks for watching and I will see you guys next week."
Joey and I: (while doing peace signs) "Byeeeeee!"

I got up and turned off the camera.

Joey: "I hope you know that I mean what I said."

I rolled my eyes.

Me: "Let's just get done with filming, ok?"
Joey: "Ok."

Joey's POV

-filming the video-

Me: "Well hello there everyone! Today I'm joined with Caroline!"
Caroline: "Hello!"
Me: "So we are doing a Q&A video. We just answered 5 questions on Caroline's channel and now were gonna answer 5 more. So lets get started!"

Question 1: Twitter or tumblr?

Caroline: "Easy. Tumblr."
Me: "I think I'm gonna pick twitter."
Caroline: "Why?"
Me: "Well why did you pick tumblr?"
Caroline: "Touché, Graceffa. Touché."

Question 2: Who can make the funniest face?

Caroline: "Joey doesn't have to make a face."
Me: "You're so mean!"
Caroline: "I was joking!"
Me: "Whatever you say..."
Caroline: "Anyways, my subscribers know I make funny faces. Especially on my vlogging channel. SUBSCRIBE TODAY!"

She made a really funny face while saying 'subscribe today'.

Me: (laughing): "We got some shameless self promotion up in where?"
Caroline: "Up in here?"
Me: "Thats right!"

We high-fived each other.

Me: "On the count of 3 make the funniest face ever. 1. 2. 3."

We made out faces and looked at each other. We both laughed so hard.

Caroline: "Comment below who looked the funniest. Even though we already know it was me."

Question 3: Best twerker?

Caroline: "What kind of question is this?"
Me: "I thought it was funny."
Caroline: "Note to self: don't let Joey pick out the questions."

We moved some things out of the way and had a 'twerk battle'. Caroline started twerking and she was pretty good at it.

Me: "Not bad."

Then I started twerking upside down against the wall. When I finished I said:

Me: "Top that!"
Caroline: "With pleasure!"

She slid into a split. And she was wearing jeans, so I don't know how she did that. I have an idea of what she's trying to do.

Me: "Damn girl!"

She tried to twerk while in a split but she couldn't get it. Then we heard a ripping noise. We both knew what the noise was. She ripped her pants! I was literally rolling on the floor laughing.

Caroline: (laughing) "It isn't funny!"
Me: (between laughs) "Yeah it is!"

After about 10 minutes we finally stopped laughing. Caroline got up and made the camera stop recording.

Caroline: "I'm gonna change into a pair of shorts."
Me: "Bring back the pants. I wanna see how big the rip is."

Caroline came back about 5 minutes later in a pair of gym shorts. She pressed record and sat back down on the chair next to me.

Caroline: "Well that was pretty humiliating. It's like the bed frame all over again. Speaking of which I still need to buy a new one. And I'm making sure it's a metal one. But anyways, yeah my pants ripped."

She held up the pants and showed where they ripped. I started cracking up.

Me: "Anyways, I think I won. But I'll give you bonus points for creativity."
Caroline: "Eh I'll take it."

Question 4: Favorite TV show

Me: "It's hard to pick just one. But I think Pretty Little Liars is my favorite."
Caroline: "Considering the fact that I only watch like 3 TV shows, I pick Dance Moms.
Me: "That show is terrible!"
Caroline: "I like watching it only for the dance parts. The drama just needs to go flush itself down the toilet or something."

Question 5: Who is taller?

We moved the camera back and stood next to each other.

Me: "I'm about 5'11" or so."
Caroline: I'm only 5'5"."

She walked over to a closet and came back carrying a stepping stool. She climbed to the top of it.

Caroline: "So this is what it's like being tall..."
Me: "Pretty much."

Caroline climbed down and brought the camera back to where we had it before.

Me: "Well I guess that's it for this video. If you liked it make sure you I've it a big thumbs up!"

I held my thumb up. I looked over at Caroline and she was pointing her thumb down. I reached over to her hand and moved her hand so her thumb was pointing up.

Me: "There we go! Go check out the video we did on Caroline's channel. We answered some more questions. I love you guys and I will see you tomorrow. May the odds be ever in your favor, gooooooodbye!"

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