Chapter 25

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Joey's POV

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I carefully got out of bed, trying my hardest not to wake Caroline up. I took my phone off of my bedside table and walked into the hallway outside of my room. The caller ID had Meghan's name on it.

Me: "Hi Meghansan!"

I haven't talked to Meghan since Vidcon, which ended a week and a half ago. A few days after Vidcon, she went to the Bahamas with Jimmy.

Meghan (sniffling): "Hi Joey."
Me: "What's wrong?"
Meghan: "Jimmy and I broke up."
Me: "What! Why?"
Meghan: "It's kind of a long story."
Me: "I've got time."
Meghan: "Can you come over?"
Me: "Of course!"
Meghan: "Can you bring Caroline?"
Me: "Yeah."
Meghan: "Thanks Joey."
Me: "No problem, girly girl. I'll see you in a bit."
Meghan: "Ok, bye."

I hung up as I walked back into my room. Caroline was sitting up in bed.

Me: "Did I wake you up?"
Caroline: "Yeah. I heard you talking in the hallway."
Me: "Sorry. I went in the hallway so I wouldn't wake you up."
Caroline: "Oh."
Me: "I would've had to wake you up anyways though."
Caroline: "Where are you taking me, Graceffa?"
Me: "Meghan's house. Her and Jimmy broke up."
Caroline: "What!?!"
Me: "Yeah I know. She sounded pretty upset."
Caroline: "Well I'd imagine she would be..."
Me: "Go get ready so we can leave."

She got out of bed and walked into the bathroom. I put on a pair of jeans and a tank top and then I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth. I didn't bother doing my hair. Caroline just put hers in a bun. After I got ready, we stopped by Caroline's apartment so she could get dressed. She quickly put on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt and slipped on some Rainbows. We went outside and got in Satsuki.

-at Meghan and David's house-

We got out of Satsuki and walked up to the front door. Caroline rang the doorbell. David answered the door a few seconds later.

David: "Hi guys."
Me: "Hey David. How's she doing?"
David: "Not too good. Come on in."

We walked in and followed David to Meghan's room. When we walked into the room, Meghan was laying on her bed and covering her face with a pillow. There was a box of tissues next to her. Next to the bed was a trash can filled most of the way up with used tissues.

Caroline: "Hey Meghan."
Meghan: "Hi."
Caroline: "I'm sorry about Jimmy."

Caroline laid down on the bed next to where Meghan was laying. She took the pillow off of her face and hugged Meghan. Meghan hugged her back. I climbed on the bed, laid down on the other side of Meghan and joined he hug. Then David laid down on all of us.

Meghan: "Guys I'm being smushed..."
David: "Sorry."

David got off of us and then sat down on Meghan's desk chair.

Me: "So what happened?"
Meghan: "When we got back from the Bahamas, we talked about how things between us used to be different a few months ago. He said that he felt like we had a stronger connection between us back then."
David: "So basically Jimmy doesn't love her anymore."
Caroline and I: "David!"
David: "Sorry..."
Me: "Do you feel that way too? That things are different now?"
Meghan: "A little. But I told him I felt the same way. I still love him though."
Caroline: "So it was a mutual breakup?"
Meghan: "I guess so."

The room got quiet when Meghan blew her nose. Very loudly, if I may add.

Meghan: "Breakups suck."
Caroline: "I know."
Meghan: "But you never really went through a break up."
Caroline: "Not exactly, but I caught the guy having sex with someone else. The same guy who changed from a nice and sweet guy to a jerk. The same guy who abused me."

I could tell that Caroline was trying not to tear up at the thought of Sam hurting her. I handed her the box of tissues. She took one, blew her nose, and threw the tissue into the trash can to the right of her.

Meghan: "Sorry."
Caroline: "It's ok, it's not your fault."
Meghan: "Guys suck."
David and I: "Hey!"
Caroline: "Well, only some of them."
David: "That's better."

The four of us talked for a bit.

Caroline: "Oh, I know what will cheer you up!"
Meghan: "Ice-cream?"
Caroline: "No. But yes, that could help. I was gonna say that you should come to Sawyer's party tonight."
Meghan: "I don't know-"
Caroline: "I'm not saying that you should go to look for your next boyfriend there. I'm saying that you should go to get him off of your mind."
Meghan: "I'll think about it."
Caroline: "Yay!"

We hung out at Meghan and David's house for a couple of hours. I think us hanging out with her helped her feel better about the break up. Caroline and I stayed for lunch. Meghan and Caroline made some sort of vegan pizza. I'm not sure what was in it, but it was pretty good. We left after lunch to go back to my apartment.

When we got there we saw Sawyer was starting to set things up for the party.

Sawyer: "Hey guys."
Caroline: "Hi Sawyer."
Me: "I see you've already started getting things ready."
Sawyer: "Yep. Can you guys do me a favor?"
Caroline: "Depends."

He handed me a piece of paper. It had a list of different foods and drinks on it.

Sawyer: "I need you guys to go out and get these things. I'll pay you guys back."

I looked at Caroline. She shrugged her shoulders.

Caroline: "Fine."
Sawyer: "Thanks guys!"

Caroline and I turned around and walked back out of the door. When we got back in Satsuki, I looked over the list. It mainly had party snacks, beer, and wine.

Me: "Where should we go to get this stuff?"
Caroline: "I don't know. How about Ralph's?"
Me: "Ok."

When we got to Ralph's, we took a cart from the front of the store. Caroline wanted to ride in it, so I picked her up and put her in the cart. She sat with her legs hanging out. It was cute. We got the snacks that were on the list and then went to the section of the store where they have beer.

Me: "What should we get?"
Caroline: "Isn't it on the list which ones he wants?"
Me: "Nope. I'll text Sawyer asking him."

Sawyer replied saying that we should get whatever ones we like and get a bunch. He said that the party is gonna be big.

Caroline: "Now I'm not one to drink, but if I was, I would want those."

She pointed to 2 types of beer.

Me: "Have you ever had them?"
Caroline: "Lots of times."
Me: "Ok."

We put a couple boxes of 24 packs into the cart. Caroline had to get out of the cart so they would fit. Then we went to the soda aisle.

Caroline: "This is my section of expertise."

She drinks a lot of soda so I let her pick out what soda to get. I just hope the people at the party has the same taste in soda as she does. Lastly, we went to the wine section of the store. Caroline and I picked out a couple bottles of wine and added them to the cart. I pushed the cart over to a checkout lane and the cashier began scanning the items.

-back at the apartment-

Me: "We're back!"

Sawyer came down the stairs.

Sawyer: "Thanks guys! You're life savers! Well I guess party savers."

We helped him set up some more things for the party. There's about an hour and a half until it starts. Caroline decided to go back to her apartment and get ready. I changed into a button up shirt and then fell asleep on my bed.

Caroline's POV

After I got back to my apartment, I took a shower. When I got out I dried off and put on some underwear, a pair of gym shorts, and a sports bra. I brushed my hair. I walked to my closet to pick out an outfit. There were a couple of outfits that I liked. But I narrowed it down to a mint green crop top and a pair of dark washed high-waisted shorts. I laid the outfit on my bed, along with my white Converses.

For my makeup I applied my foundation, concealer, powder and blush. For eyeshadow, I did a smokey eye with some darker browns. I put on eyeliner, mascara, and some lipgloss. I straightened my hair and I let my long sidebang down.

When I checked the time on my phone, it said 7:02. The party starts in about 30 minutes. I decided to head on over now.

I went ahead and walked in.

Sawyer: "Hey Caroline."
Me: "Hey. Is Joey upstairs?"
Sawyer: "Yeah. I think he fell asleep though."
Me: "Ok, thanks!"

I quietly went up the stairs and down the hall to Joey's room. I slowly opened the door and I walked in. Joey was sleeping peacefully. But he won't be for much longer. I laid down on top of him. He groaned a little bit. Then I licked the side of his face.

Joey: "Ew! Caroline, you're so gross!"
Me: (laughing) "If I'm so gross, why are you dating me?"
Joey: "Because I can see through your grossness."
Me: "Well I'm glad you see through my grossness."

I kissed him. He placed his hands on my back and held me close to him. Our tongues wrestled in each others mouths. Eventually, he started to gently bite my lip. I let out a soft moan. We broke apart when Meghan walked into the room. I guess we didn't hear her come in the house.

Meghan: "MY EYES!"
Me: "It's nothing you haven't done..."
Meghan: "Whatever..."
Joey: "I'm glad you decided to come."

I nodded as I got off of Joey. Meghan sat down on Joey's desk chair. David entered the room a few seconds later.

David: "Are you guys ready to get your party on?"
Joey, Meghan, and I: "Yeah!"
David: "Then lets get down there."

-Authors Note-

Hey guys! So the next chapter is supposed to go up on Saturday, but I have 2 projects due this week. So it may or may not be posted a day late. I'll try my hardest to have it up on time though! I just wanted to let you guys know that. Also, I'm almost at 900 reads! Which is insane. Thanks to everyone for reading! <3

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