Chapter 29 : Heartbeat

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      His breath was cold upon my skin.

      I could feel his intake and retake of quiet whispering and yet I couldn't figure out what any of his utterances really even meant. My shadow was intertwined with his, but our skin never made any contact as the sweet whisperings of what we both knew was too bitter to bypass.

      He was closer to me than he had been in days, which almost made me strangely nostalgic as I couldn't remember what the stroke of his lips even felt like anymore. Where they even soft? Where there sparks when his lips touched mine? Did heat ignite under my palm when our hands conjoined? Did our hands fit perfectly with each other?

      His eyes were narrowed on my own like the predator I knew he was, and for a moment I felt like his prey. Me. Of all people? Some little child's prey.

      I knew just how badly I craved his touch and yet my stubborn self-control continued to keep me grounded and unable to act out the touch I so desperately wanted. I'd even go as far as to say I desired it. Me? That's almost laughable.

      My body jolted away in a sudden collision of force that almost knocked me off my chair. For a moment I couldn't comprehend where I was, until the information slammed into my head as I gazed down at my crossed hands, propped up as a pillow on the high table with my face placed inside it. With little interest, my eyes darted down at the little girl who had run into me, and I could practically see her face implant on my leather tights.

      The streets of the Mist village were practically deserted, as most people were in their houses, fearfully awaiting enemy Nin to attack their village while all the talented Shinobi fought and died in the wars miles to the west. Security was also deplorable, considering my weakened form was able to enter with such ease.

      The girl was currently clutching her head with her bruised and maimed arms, which were covered in so much blood that I was barely able to see the color of her skin. She of course wasn't a complete child, as her age looked around 15 maybe younger, but to me she might as well been an infant. I did notice that her hair was covered in filth, matching her pathetic garments that she wore so casually; and this was despite the fact that she was shoeless and without much money (judging by the lack of hydration, what with the way her lips were chapped).

      I raised an eyebrow, but for the most part went back to drinking the alcohol I had fallen asleep next to. The shop owner seemed to recognize the girl, which seemed obvious with the way he was ignoring the beat up girl's presence entirely. I had little care as I sipped the burning alcohol without much thought. It caught me by slight surprise when I noticed a crowd of men, angry and brute like, dashing around the corner ahead. I could already tell my peaceful quiet was coming to an end when the girl snapped up and ran past me, I didn't see nor care where she went from there and my eyes naturally trained down to the clear liquid in my class.

      I went to chug it down, as I was quite ready to leave this forsaken village, but my final downing was never fulfilled as one of the tall and buff men brushed roughly against my shoulder, causing the drink to spill over my chest and fall to the ground.

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