3. Traffic Light.

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3. Traffic Light

We are heading straight to Starbucks after school to study on the upcoming Chemistry test. It's only the second week of school and they are already giving us test next week. I personally think it's ridiculous.

Sitting in Avril's Beetle with my feet up on the dash - exclude the shoes, we may be bestfriend but she has a temper of a lion - and hands resting on my thighs, tapping along to the beat of Katy Perry 'Part of Me'. Out of the blue, we sang the rest of the song until the car came to a halt. We were at the traffic junction and a red light was shown.

When the chorus came, Avril and I did random dance moves in our seats, unaware of the attention that we were receiving from the car beside us. Without thinking, I rolled both hands into fists and position them in front of my chest, and start moving them to and fro along with my chest. I was basically doing some weird moves. My head swaying side to side, I gasp audibly when my eyes meet six pairs of eyes.

Two pair of green eyes and a pair of blue eyes. I briefly examine their features, running my eyes through their hair and their sexy lips, which were currently bending upwards. Oh dear God, they saw the whole thing! My eyes were frantically looking anywhere else, trying to avoid their amusement gazes.

I was then met with blue eyes. It was so blue and seems to be widening slightly. Widening at what, I have no idea. The blue eyed guy was apparently the driver, and if we both we're to wind down our window, I'm pretty sure we'll be able to take a clearer look at each other.

I was hypnotized by those eyes; it was like he had me under his spell because no matter how hard I tried to look away, I can't. He then made a mistake of smiling at me. Millions of butterflies erupted from my stomach and the tingly sensations warms me to the core.

I bit the insides of my cheeks as I felt blood rushing to my cheeks, warming them up before a blush, I assume, appear. He has a dazzling smile and when I gave him a shy smile, his grin widens. Showing his teeth.

How can someone have a smile that is so beautiful.

"Earth to Indie!"

I didn't even respond to Avril's calling. It seems like the longer we locked gazes, the more I feel happiness bursting inside me. Is this even normal? When Ryan smiles at me, I don't even feel that kind of happy...more like giddy. Good giddy feeling. My mind flashes a mental image of Ryan and I found myself leaning my head against the window, looking up above at the clouds. Sigh, I can never get Ryan to be mine. Never.

A loud honk made me hit the roof of the car. As I rub my sore head, I avert my gaze to Avril. "What the hell, Avril? You don't need to ho - Avril?" She had astonishment plastered on her face, her lips parted and I could smell the bubblegum flavour hitting my nostrils. "Hey Avril?"

She shifts her eyes to me and back to something at my back. Raising her pointer finger up, she says, "Look." Her voice held control, almost sounded terrified but she tries to hide it.

I took a deep breath and swiftly turns around, glancing back at the car. The sight before me has made my breathing hitched in my throat. I don't know if I should feel scared, cry or laugh. You cannot blame me though, my emotions were all jumbled up most of the time just like my mind is. Like a tangled earpiece.

The green eyes guys were apparently holding blue eyed back in his seat. His face held anger, pure anger. His shoulders were heaving up and down, I presume he was trying to control himself because I saw his nose flared. I could have sworn his eyes changes colours like a kaleidoscope but before I could reassure myself that it's probably the sun playing tricks, Avril drove away.

"Why did you drive away?" It must have sounded stupid because Avril shot me a pointed look.

"It was already green." She says in a duh tone.

Silence soon takes over, it was a comfortable silence thought. My mind drifts back to the little incident, and I couldn't help but to wonder what is he mad about. Out of the corner of my eye, Avril grips tightened around the steering wheel and her knuckles went white. She was muttering something under her breath and I happened to catch bits and pieces of it.

"No. He couldn't be alive...last year...dad...he should've died. Dylan should've died."

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