Chapter 25- We tell

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Alexandria’s (P.O.V)

It has been two weeks since my parents came racing through the hospital door and in braced me with a bear hug, swearing and I quote ‘we’ll never leave your side again!’

They have done a darn good job at it too.

 At first it was sweat and heartwarming ; but now my mother followed me into the bathroom! And when a women needs to pee, she NEEDS to pee!!! Who could do it while there mom was standing next to you making wild women eyes? I swear she was like a lost kitten. It finally hit her that she was going crazy when I pulled her hair and yelled that she was insane. Let’s say, not the best mother daughter moment we could have had.

Anyway it’s been two weeks and today, and I’m finally leaving this hospital and heading to home.  Tomorrow though, I have to go to school, something about not wanting to be a stupid blond.  So today was packing day; and man was I tired. Getting up after being asleep for a week and a half, wouldn’t you be, like not tired? The human body is weird, or maybe it’s just my body? Hum? I’ll stick to English class, thank you very much.

I have to be fully educated for my dear Wattpad fans.

I’m going off track again!

Kyle’s mom was nice enough to let Kyle skip school and help me. Speaking of my boyfriend, yes, our relationship is blooming. Were still in that honeymoon faze that all couples start off with, and I’m enjoying it. You know as best as possible while being in a hospital. When me and Kyle told my parents that we were dating, well it was, how do I put this, unexpected, well for one couple?


“Well, Mr. and Mrs. Miles, you know I care for your daughter very much?”

Blah, blah Kyle was putting WAY to much effort into this. It’s not the 1900’s! I just want him to get to the part where they either approve or not. I mean I’ll be devastated if they don’t, but I’ll still be with Kyle. Finding the love of your life at 17 is truly hard in most cases and I won’t ruin mine. I don’t mean to sound mean, but it’s the nerves! It sounds like he is asking for my parent’s permission to marry me. He is too old fashion sometimes. God, if these are the nerves while he is just asking to date me, wait until he proposes.

Yup, I’m planning on marrying the man. I don’t care if he gets tired of me. I would tie him down and place him at the altar. You know, in the least clingy way possible.

Back to reality Alex’s!

“Yeah……” they answered almost at the same time. Their eyes were darting from mine to Kyle’s; and back forth, until my mom’s landed on mine. Her smile grew as she noticed something on my face. Was I wearing a sign?   

“JOHN…..” Her smile grew to her eyes, a new sparkle was added. Like a light was shining through, like a child on Christmas morning.


His utter lack of understanding was amazing! He oblivious, if I wasn’t dating Kyle, I would already of guessed.

“I’m dating Alexandria,” a worried expression followed through. “You know, with your permission.”

“Way to sound sooooo manly.” I whispered sarcastically in his direction. His hand placed on top of mine, giving me a quick loving squeeze.

“Oh, shut up.”

I would have laughed, but something told me he wasn’t kidding. But of course it sounded like my normal best friend, so I couldn’t help but chuckle lightly, before lamely covering it up with a cough.

Blind not DeafOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora