Chapter 3

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Rebecca stood facing the low life Purple dragons. She held onto her pipe and spun it around as a challenge.

"Come on guys! It's just one girl! We can take her!" One of the thugs called out.

"One girl against eight men? Seems like you need a few more to even out the fight," Rebecca said with a laugh.

That really got their blood boiling. The thugs all had their weapons ready and they began to spread out. Trapping her in a circle. Rebecca stayed in her fighting stance and looked at the ones behind her.

Raph watched intently at her. Rebecca closed her eyes and took a deep breathe. She seemed to be listening. Just then one of the PD advanced. His feet scraped against the gravel. Her eyes shot open. The man held a chain as his weapon. He thrusted it at her. She skillfully lifted her pipe up letting the chain wrap around it. She yanked it throwing the man off balance and gave him a kick to the stomach.

Raph was a bit impressed but he would never admit it.

The other men were taken back by her performance. They all charged in at once. Rebecca smiled and closed her eyes again.

With blinding speed she blocked an attack from one and it hit one of his comrades as he did in return. More came from all angles but to Rebecca everything seemed to move in slow motion. She swept her leg sending one down and smacking one with the pipe. She blocked an attack with it and spun it out of the opponents hands.

She sent a quick wack to the head and ducked from another attack. Rebecca stood up to face her opponent. All of the others got up and scattered. Only one was left. He too held a metal pipe.

Their pipes clashed again. Rebecca gave him a dark glare and began to swing wildly at him. The men surprisingly dodged the attacks and did leg sweep. She fell to the ground. He sent down his pipe. At last second she put hers up in defense and managed to keep her head still intact. It was a test against strength as he pushed his weight down on it

Rebecca grunted and tried her best to beat him. Just as she thought her arm would give way the weight disappeared. She looked to see Rapheal had come down and thrown the man to the wall knocking him out.

"Thanks," Rebecca wheezed.

"Your a pretty good fighter," Raph said looking away. Rebecca perked her head up. "Now go home," he said bluntly.

She rose dropping the pipe.

"Listen here Red! I just wiped out eight Purple Dragons! Don't I get any trust from that?" She almost shouted.

He had his arms crossed and merely looked at her.

"You wiped out seven," he replied in a smart aleck tone. He pointed to the one he had thrown against the wall. "And anyone could have planned that." He turned away and walked over to the garage.

Rebecca didn't give up. She followed him over to the door. He forcefully pulled the door open. He glanced back at her.

"Your still here?" Raph said in an annoyed tone.

"I'm helping if you like it or not!" Rebecca said forcefully.

Raph turned around and moved in close to her face glaring at her.

"Your stubbornness is really getting on my nerves! I don't need your help! Now leave before I make you!" He stared coldly at her.

She looked back at him for a moment. She then smirked.

"Are you afraid that I'll get to that mutagen stuff before you?" She put her hands on her hips. "Afraid that a girl is gonna beat ya to it huh?"

"I don't have time for this." Raph turned away and walked into the garage. The next thing he knew Rebecca had sailed right over his shoulders and landed in front of him.

"Last one to that canister loses!" Rebecca said playfully and ran off.

"Hey get back here!" Raph began to chase. "Were not going to play that silly game of yours! This is an important mission!" Just then he lost sight of her.

He stumbled around in the darkness trying to see if he could see her. Just then the lights flicked on. Rebecca sat on top a tower of crates holding the container of ooze.

"Looks like you lose," she said in a taunting voice.

"Hey! Give me that!!!!" Raph started to climb up the boxes.

"Let's make a deal," Rebecca replied and flipped the canister in the air barely catching it. "If I give you whatever this stuff is... You'll tell me all about yourself?"

Raph had already begun to shake his head.

"No way am I sharing information with an outsider!" He was almost to the top. Just then Rebecca kicked a nearby crate and it tumbled down to raph.

"Ooops," she said in a non to convincing voice. He was forced to jump down.

He growled and tried climbing up again but Rebecca just repeated the same thing.

"Were gonna be here all day Red." She flipped the ooze a few more times.

"Fine." Raph let out in defeat. "Give me the mutagen and we'll talk."

"How do I know you won't run?" She eyed him suspiciously.

"You won't," he replied with a smirk.

Hey guys! What do you think of my story so far? Should I continue?

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