Chapter 2

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"Wake up!"

Rebecca's eyes shot open. Her head pounded. All the memories of last night flushed back into her mind. She looked up at furious Kate.

"Where were you yesterday?!" Kate screamed at her making Rebecca's head ring.

"Uh exploring New York?" She had a hand on her head.

Kate tapped her foot impatiently. Her scowl clear on her face.

"Ya... I'm in trouble right?" Rebecca smiled sheepishly.

For the rest of the day she was set to work. Rebecca unpacked box after box and helped set up the beds. At the end of the day they had unpacked everything. Rebecca's room was set up and she went into her "sanctuary" after dinner.

She scrolled through photos on a paranormal websites hoping to find what she had seen last night. No luck. Eventually Kate went to bed around nine.

"Perfect," Rebecca smirked and opened her window. She looked down at the drop and carefully held onto the roof ladder. A gust of wind blew as she climbed up. "No way a thing like that can just walk around the street. It must travel around by roof." Rebecca reasoned.

She made her way to the top. Her breathe disappeared as she saw the sparkling lights of the city. Rebecca made her way over to the ledge.

"Its just like parkour," She told herself as she looked at the other buildings roof. "You've done parkour before," She took a deep breathe and backed up. she could hear her heart pounding. her legs went loose and she jumped at the ledge.

Rebecca let out a grunt as she landed onto the next roof.

"Oh good. I didn't die," She smiled and looked over at her apartment. "Take that gravity!" She yelled in triumph. "Now where would a giant turtle be?"

Rebecca pondered over the thought. Eventually she gave up and decided just to jump around aimlessly. At least it would be fun.

"Wait what if that turtle only comes out when the Purple Dragon are out..." The thought struck her. "Perfect!"

She jumped to the gate she had met them at and saw Fong and the others gathered in a circle.

"Alright! So the boss is giving us another chance. I don't know what happened to that Rebecca chick but I don't care. We need to get that mutagen." Fong held an ice pack to his head. "You guys must head to the east side and enter a long since forgotten garage. That's where the boss says another is located."

The group of men jogged off to the direction Fong indicated.

"Looks like this'll be easier then I thought," Rebecca whispered to herself and slid away from the ledge.

She tailed them for about an hour. Eventually they made their way to the garage their leader was talking about. As one of the men picked the lock Rebecca notice something. It was him.

He stared down at the thugs in disgust. He hadn't noticed her yet. Good. Rebecca slowly made her way over to him. He was too focused on the Purple Dragons to notice her.

"Excuse me?" Rebecca called out behind him.

He jumped at her voice and swiveled around to see her.

"It's you!" He growled. "What are you doing here? How did you find me? Where's your dragon tattoo you wanted so badly," the thing almost spat.

"Nice to see you again too and the tattoo? Who needs one. I just wanted to join it for the excitement," Rebecca replied.

"Do you not know what you've gotten yourself into?! You shouldn't take the PD lightly," the turtle glared at her.

"That's what they said about many other things that I've done." Rebecca gave a devious smile.

"Why'd you quit?" The thing held out two sia's.

"Because I've found something that interests me more." She stared at him.

The turtle glared at her in silence.

"Your not afraid?" He asked puzzled.

She shook her head.

"Why would I be?" Rebecca replied and put her hands on her hips.

Something changed in the turtles eye. He quickly shook his head.

"How about you forget about me and the PD. Live your life normally." The turtle turned away determining that she was no threat.

Rebecca grew angry.

"Why would I ever do that!? I would have such a boring life! Please I want to know more!" She began to move closer.

Rebecca stuck her hand out to put it on his shoulder. He grabbed her wrist in one swift movement and looked into her eyes.

"Trust me you don't want to get mixed up in this!" His face was deathly serious.

"Listen here Red. If I didn't want to get into something like this I would have never gone looking for you." She tried to break free of his grasp.

"My name isn't Red! It's Raphael," His anger rose.

"Whatever Red." She smiled. "I'm Rebecca."

Raph shook his head.

"You've tricked me into introducing myself," he let out. "Clever."

"Thanks Red." Rebecca knelt down beside him. "So whatcha doing?"

He rolled his eyes.

"It's none of your business," Raph snapped. "I don't exactly know you and I don't know if I can trust you."

"You do know me! I said my name is Rebecca! Trust? I can see how you have a problem with that," She played with the ends of his bandanas as it flapped in the wind.

He swatted her hand away and pulled his bandana ends away from her. She crossed her arms.

"Fine if you want trust watch this," Rebecca slid down the roof ladder and landed startling the Purple Dragons.

"Hey!" She looked for a weapon. There was a lead pipe sitting with a pile of trash. "Anyone of you guys want to dance?" She reached for the pipe and twirled it around experimentally.

"It's the girl from yesterday." A voice sounded from the group. "She ditched Fong and wimped out of the PD tasks." Another person called out.

"You mean Thong? Ya he wasn't worth my time and neither is your stupid gang. So do you want to see who can get to that so called mutagen your boss was talking about?" She beckoned them with the pipe.

"This is gonna be good." Raph thought to himself.

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