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chapter eleven

            “So, how’s the project for math class going?” Louis asked, his bicep linked with Liam’s as he guided him through the halls. The kids separating like the red sea as they heard Liam’s cane hit the ground.

            Liam smiled a little, “It’s good, it’s good.”

            “Zayn being kind to you, mate?” Louis said, his concern whole-hearted, not fake as if he was just concerned because he got paid to guide Liam around. After all, Louis was the closest thing Liam has ever had to a true friend, until Niall.

            Liam hesistated, he knew deep down that Zayn didn’t want anyone to find out about them, whatever them meant. “Uh… yeah, I guess…”

            “LIAM! LIAM WAIT UP!” A little voice called from the halls, the little voice grew louder as he got closer.

            Liam turned his ear to the voice and knew who it was; Niall.

            “Hi, Louis, I’ve got it from here,” Niall smiled kindly at Louis.

            “You sure?” Louis said, mostly asking Liam, than Niall.

            “Yeah, yeah, I’ve got Chem with Niall anyway.”

            “Alright, take care, pal, I’ll see you later.” Louis patted Liam’s back and linked out of his bicep.

            Louis walked away and Niall linked his arm to Liam’s.

            “I haven’t seen you around in a while.” Niall said sadly. “I’ve made many, many friends now, but you’re still one of my closest even if we never see each other anymore. Have you been ignoring me?”

            Liam chuckled, “Niall… how am I supposed to ignore you if I can’t even see where you are? How am I supposed to walk out of rooms in which you’re in, of course I haven’t been ignoring you silly!” Liam laughed.

            “I don’t know… you’ve been looking sort of off lately… I don’t know…” Niall looked down as they walked.

            “I haven’t been ignoring you okay?” Liam squeezed Niall’s arm and sat in the first seat he found.


            “Would you like water or juice with that?” The cafeteria’s lady asked.

            “Uhhhhh…. Water.” Liam said.

            “Alright, here you are, $5.30,” The lady said monotonously.

            Liam paid and Niall guided him to a table.

            “Liiiiiiiiaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!” The happiest voice Liam’s ever heard in his lifetime said; Caroline.

            “Carolineeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!” Liam replied immediately pushing his cane under the table, mentally crossing his fingers hoping she didn’t notice. He pushed his sunglasses up to hide his eyes, since Caroline didn’t know he was blind.

            “Look a little more to your left.” Niall said between coughs.

            Liam did as told and hoped he was staring right at Caroline.

            “You look handsome today.” Caroline said biting her lip and looking down.

            “Thank you, you look beautiful.” Liam replied back.

            Caroline played with her wavy, brown hair and looking down at her feet. Caroline was usually a very talkative person, but lately every word Liam says to her has made her speechless.

            Caroline giggled and mumbled, “Aw, thanks Liam, you’re too kind.”

            Liam shot her a smile, “So, what’s up?”

            “I… I…I um, I was actually wondering if you were interested in catching a movie later in the week and maybe going out for some food afterwards or before, or whatever you would like… I um… It’s okay if you want, you know, I just… I don’t know… I mean… if you can’t that’s okay too, I can-” Caroline rubbed her arm and stopped babbling when Liam interrupted her.

            “Of course, Caroline, I would love to go watch a movie and eat out with you. I bet it’d be a lot of fun.” Liam smiled widely.

            “Really!?” Caroline coughed and said in a more confident tone, “I mean, um, yay! Great! Text me?”

            Liam chuckled, “Of course what’s your number?”

            Caroline gave her digits to Liam and skipped away.

            “Dudeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Niall exclaimed throwing his fists on the table to show his excitement.

            “DUUUUUUUUUUUUDEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!” Niall stomped his feet loudly.

            “DUDDDDDEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!” Niall bounced in his chair.

            “Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuddddddddeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!” Niall pounded his fists, stomped his feet, and bounced in his chair, “YOU’RE GOING ON A FUCKING DATE WITH FUCKING CAROLINE FUCKING SWISSOLVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

            Liam stayed quiet dumbfounded.

            Little did Liam know, that Zayn had heard all that went down since he was leaning against the wall next to the cafeteria door watching lovingly every move Liam ever made… and then running out of the cafeteria after he saw what had went down with Caroline Swissolver.

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A/N: duuuuuuuuddeeeeeeeeeeeee. hahah, i was laughing when i wrote that. don't mind my silly writing parts they happen. srry for the boring chapter, been on a massive writers block so all i could think of was a filler chapter to add some spice to the next chapters idk... anyways, drama heading your way. sorry for updating so late, as always. life has been hectic, i don't have excuses for updating so late, other than homework, school, and life.

i'd like to know your thoughts though! :)

do you think liam's crazy for accepting on going to a movie? do you think he was too shy to turn /the/ Caroline Swissolver or do you think he thought naively that they were just going to hang out as friends? what about zayn, do you feel bad, do you think he deserves it orrrrrrrrr......

see ya guysssssss. x

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