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-Jacob POV-


This is it - GRADUATION! I'm excited to finally graduate from high school. Everything I've ever wanted finally came to life for a nigga. I got with the girl I finally wanted, I'm graduating, and I have my real friends. What else could I possible need in my life? Oh and I got accepted to GSU which is even better.

I heard footsteps coming up behind me. "What you thinking about Hm" Khayla asked. "Nothing much just fixing my tie" I said turning around to her. She fixed my tie for me and then was just staring at me. "I know I look good babe, but you don't have to stare" I told her. She smiled and rolled her eyes at me. "I love you baby" I said pecking her lips. "I love you too Jay" she said. I started kissing her when we got interrupted. 

"I swear were gonna die if you keep the flash on Ma" Khayla said. "Sorry sweetie but I'm so happy! My baby is graduating and she's engaged" she said. She took another photo which nearly blinded us. "Ma! Can you take pictures once we get to graduation" Khayla asked. "That's fair enough so then let's go" she said walking out of the room. "I'm sorry about that" Khayla said. I smiled at her "Don't even trip" I said. "You look handsome baby" Khayla said.  "You look beautiful Khayla" I said pecking her lips. "And I think I'm gonna be sick" Ericka said pretending to throw up.

Khayla grabbed our caps and gowns as we made our way downstairs. "Aw Jacob baby, you look so handsome" my mom said. "Thanks Mom" I said just wanting to get in the car now. "Khayla you look so pretty" she said. "Thank you" Khayla said smiling which made me smile. We finally all made it in the car and as I'm holding Khayla's hand, I start remembering the day I proposed.


"Then, yes, I will marry you" Khayla said. I slid the five karat diamond onto her finger and then kissed her. Everyone was cheering but it made it even better when she announced she was going to GSU. 

*Later That Night*

"Mom, Dad, you two need to have a seat" Khayla said. We're seated at the table and her parents look confused. Khayla held up her hand to show her parents the ring. "You better be telling us that Jacob gave you a promise ring" her dad said, Khayla and I both looked at her mom "Did you propose to her" she asked. I gulped and then nodded to answer her question. "You two are so young though. Don't you think that it's a little too soon" she asked. "Mrs. Thomas I love your daughter and you know that" I told her. "You’re too young to even know what that even means" Mr. Thomas said. 

"I know the both of you think that were too young, but we do love each other. I mean the two of you got married at young ages. Y'all parents eventually accepted it and grown to accept you two. They still love y'all and they only wanted to see y'all happy because happiness is what matters. Can't y'all do the same for us? Don't y'all want us to be happy? I am graduating and going to a good school" Khayla said. I just sat there and nodded in agreement to whatever Khayla said. 

"No, I don't want y'all to get married" Mr. Thomas said. "David" Mrs. Thomas said looking at him bewildered. "Yeah I want y'all to be happy but y'all are just too young. Plus if Khayla does get married, she will no longer be my little girl" Mr. Thomas said quieter. "Aw daddy" Khayla said going over to hug him. "I'll always be your little girl pops. Just because I'm engaged doesn't mean that I stop being your little girl! Plus you have Ericka who will also forever be your little girl. I love you pops and will forever be your little girl" Khayla said hugging him. She gave him a kiss on the check and then returned to her seat. "Well then I give you two my blessing" Mr. Thomas said. "I do too" Mrs. Thomas said. Khayla and I cheered and gave each a kiss. "There will be none of that at my table" Mr. Thomas said. Khayla and I laughed but still cheered.

-End of Flashback-

When I finally got out of my thoughts we had reached the school. "That was fast" I said taking my seat belt off. "That's because you were in la-la land" Ericka said getting out of the car. I didn't bother to respond to that. I grabbed my gap and gown getting out of the car. I watched as the seniors and their families go inside the building. "This is finally the day" I said as we made our way into the building. "It came too damn slow though" Khayla said.


Mr. Rodriguez finally called Khayla up to give her speech. She's valedictorian and I couldn't be anymore proud of my baby girl. 

"Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen! I'll like to give a special thanks to our Principal, Mr. Rodriguez, our assistant principal, Mrs. Jacobson, staff, and teachers. Most importantly, my parents, my sister Ericka, my handsome fiancée, Jacob and my wonderful friends" she said. We all clapped as she began to read again. "I promise I won't be before you all long because I don't have much to say. These pass four years has been filled with happiness, tears, joy and drama. It has taught me a lot about growing and being more open to things. It has taught me to be careful of whom I trust, to be more wise and don't be to quick to judge" she said. Now that had me thinking a lot about my years. "It has brought me closer to my friends and probably gain me one or two enemies. Out of all that i learned to depend on myself and not others. To take life serious but not too serious. Live one day at a time and learn to live a little. Of course as everyone knows, I will still take my education serious. Anyone who knows me can tell you I'm always reading a book or studying. I'm here to tell you that yes I'm valedictorian but I've made it through hard work and support. Don't EVER and I mean EVER let someone tell you that you can't. Don't EVER and I mean EVER let someone tell you that you won't ever make it anywhere. Guess what? You’re proving them wrong today, because y'all are sitting right here in y'all caps and gowns. Just remember that it is okay to fail, because failure is apart of success. Thank you" she said. Everyone stood up and clapped as she went to take her seat.

"Thank you Khayla Thomas for that wonderful speech" Mr. Rodriquez said. "Now we will be giving out diplomas" he said clapping. After a whole hour and a half everyone finally got their diplomas. I looked over at Jasmine and I felt something. It wasn't hatred or anything like that. She waved hi to me and I actually waved hi back. "Class of 2014 you all have officially graduated" Mr. Rodriquez announced. We all threw our gaps up in the air and cheered loudly as pictures were being snapped. 

After the ceremony was finally over and everyone took all the pictures that they wanted, I was exhausted. "Babe, how did I do on my speech? I was as nervous as hell though! Could you tell" Khayla asked walking up to me. "You did amazing babe" I said pecking her lips. As I held Khayla in my arms, Jasmine walked over to us. "Hey y'all" she said. "Hi" me and Khayla said looking at her. "I just wanted to say congratulations and that I'm happy for the both of you" she said with an actually smile. "And Khayla, I don't hate you so you don't have an enemy. I loved your speech by the way! It was inspirational" she said walking away.

 Khayla and I both looked at each other and started laughing. "Inspirational enough for you not to get ya ass beat again" Chresanto said. "Chres" we all said laughing at what he said. "What? I'm just being honest with the girl" he said. "Come let's go out to eat" Jacob P said. "Where to" all of our parents asked in unison. "Doesn't matter as long as it ain't trashy and the food is good" Ericka said. "Yeah" everyone said in agreement and that's exactly what we did to end a perfect day. 

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