Caught Red Handed

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-Khayla POV-

For the last two weeks Jacob and I have been sneaking around! We've been keeping it on the low and plan to keep it that way. "You look good with your hair like that" Jacob said as I finished my hair. I smiled at him in the mirror before getting up. "Thank you" I said walking over to him. He's sitting on my bed watching TV, even though the sound is off. I stood in between his legs as he wrapped his arms around my waist. I looked down at him and smiled, he gave me a funny look. "What" I asked confused as ever. "Nothing" he said shaking his head. "Its something Jacob" I said my smile dropping.

"It's nothing" he said standing up but still holding me. "You sure its not-" he kissed me to shut me up. He pulled away "Jump" he commanded and I did as told. He fell back on the bed and I giggled at this. "You have lip stick all over your mouth" I told him. "That's cheap lipstick for you" he said. I gasped "Jacob" I said smacking his arm offended. "I'm joking with you Khayla" He said licking his lips. "Whatever" I said getting up off of him. He pinned me down to the bed, towering over me. I bit my lip looking at him. "You like this huh" he asked with a grin. "Maybe I do, maybe I don't" I said trying to get out of his grip. "Aight, whatever you say, Khayla" he said pecking my lips.

I got myself out of his grip and pulled his shirt up. I looked up at him but he wasn't stopping me, so I continued. I took it off of him and put it on the side of us. I ran my hands up and down his toned chest and bit my lip again. "Like what you see" he asked biting down on his bottom lip. I nodded and he came down kissing me again. Just when I thought i was over him I thought as he made his way to my neck. I closed my eyes and let him give me a hickey. "My turn" he said plopping onto his back. I opened my eyes and got on top of him. His hands holding his head up and he's smiling up at me.

Now I was in the mood, but I'm not about to sleep with my best friend. As I was going down to give Jacob his hickey, my room door busted opened. Jasmine walked in with a not so amused look on her face, while Jacob and I were surprised. I quickly got off of Jacob and he scattered to put his shirt back on. "But you two didn't kiss huh" she said laughing and closing the door. Jacob and I laughed nervously while looking at each other. "Is that a hickey on your neck" she asked squinting her eyes while walking over to me. I placed my hand over my hickey and tried not to blush "No" I lied. "Liar, liar, pants on fire" she said in a sing-song voice.

"So when are y'all gonna admit the truth" Jasmine asked plopping onto my bed. "The truth about what" Jacob asked playing dumb. "About y'all fucking" she said bluntly. We and Jacob started dying of laughter. "What? What's so funny" she asked really confused. "Jacob and I ain't fucking! But that was a really good joke" I told her. "Yeah it was but I wouldn't mind though" Jacob said breaking his neck to check out my ass. I rolled my eyes smiling a little. "Y'all some liars but whatever, I don't need a niece or nephew just yet" Jasmine said seriously. "And I don't need a son or daughter just yet" I told her in the same tone. "Me neither, but I wouldn't mind later on down the road" Jacob admitted. I like the sound of that I thought smiling at him.

"So are y'all gonna date" Jasmine asked. "Why' we both said looking at her."Y'all already act like it even though Jacob pretends not to like you" she said. "And you do the same thing with Jacob. But what I just witnessed proved other wise" she told us. "We're just seeing what it would be like if we were together" I told her. "What about Omari" she asked with a little grin."He's just a friend, just like Jacob" I said. "Nah Jacob is more like a friend with benefits" she said lying down on my bed. "WE'RE NOT FUCKING" we both yelled at her. She jumped up off of the bed "Damn, relax y'all, I was only joking" she said rolling her eyes.

"Anyway I came over here to ask if y'all wanted to go somewhere" she said sitting back down on my bed. "When" I asked sitting in front of Jacob. "Tomorrow because I gotta be at work in an hour" she said. "And we don't have school tomorrow" Jacob said. "Plus its Friday, yas we lit" I said like a big bird. Jasmine and Jacob started laughing at me while I sat there looking at them. "Well see y'all tomorrow" Jasmine said getting up. "And don't do nothing nasty" she said walking out of my room. "Bye Jasmine" we both said laughing a little. I got up and closed my room door.

I walked over to my bed and sat down again. "Well that was awkward as fuck" I said looking at Jacob. "Hell yeah but where were we" he said coming over to me. "Jacob I know you not tryna go back to that" I said not feeling it anymore. "Why not" he asked confused. "We just got caught red handed! What if we get caught again" I asked him. "We won't" he said taking his shirt off again. "How you know that" I asked looking at him again. "Trust me" he said pulling me on top of him. "Fine, only because your cute" I told him and he laughed. "Whatever you say, Khayla" he said sliding his hands under my ass.

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