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-Jasmine POV-

Finally it's fifth period and yes I'm happy. Art wasn't bad at all because we didn't do anything. I walked out of the room with Craig on my left and Rayan on my right. "Man Mr.Chang talk to fucking much" Rayan said annoyed while Craig and I laughed. "Plus his accent is so fucking thick you can't understand shit" Rayan said. We made our way through the busy halls and down the stairs to the cafeteria. I spot Khayla right away in her plaid shirt standing in line with Jay, Chresanto, and Jacob P. "Hey" I said once we get over there. "Hi" she said smiling. "What's good y'all" Jacob L. said giving dap to the boys and then giving me a hug. We made our way into the cafeteria and majority of the tables were taking by freshman's and some juniors. "There's a table in the back" Jacob P. said pointing to the table. We made our way over there taking up the whole front part of the table.

"So how was y'all classes so far" Khayla asked. "Why you ain't tell me Mr.Chang was gonna talk my ear off" Rayan asked making us laugh. "He wasn't that talkative with us" Jay said shrugging. "And don't get me started on Economics" Chresanto said. "Ms.Tates voice is annoying as hell! I can't put up with that for the rest of the year" Chresanto said shaking his head. "Yeah you will if you want to graduate" Craig said eating his Doritos. "I like all my teachers so far" Jacob said smiling. "I don't see why y'all complainin' but I have to agree with Chres on Ms.Tates" Jacob said shaking his head. "I have Spanish again and guess who's teaching it" Jay asked. "Who" we all asked focusing our attention on him. "Ms.Ramos" he said shaking his head. "She doing too much" Khayla said eating one of her powered donuts.

"She kind of cute though" Rayan said braking his neck to look at the girl. "That's a freshman" I told him I said looking her up and down. Dark skin, medium length black hair, thick, nice smile but pretty. "She's not bad looking" I said shrugging. "I know she not" Rayan said licking his lips. "I'll be back" he said getting up from the table. "So what y'all doing after school" Jay asked looking around. "Homework" Khayla said. "You got homework on the first day" Craig said shaking his head. "I know your drid" Jacob said. Khayla rolled her eyes and was about to give him him the finger. "I'm going to sleep" Chresanto said. "Homework" I said looking back at Jay. "Playing GTA 5" Craig said. "I'm going shopping" Jacob said. "Well I'm going to this party tonight" Jay said. "A party? Your mom is gonna let you go" I asked. "Especially on a school night" Khayla said. "I'm seventeen" Jay said. "So? What does age have to do with it" Jacob asked giving Jay a stupid look. "I'm a grown ass man" Jay said. "Who's gonna get his teeth knocked out" Chresanto said making us laugh except Jay.

"I got her number" Rayan said coming back to the table. "That took you about three minutes" Jacob said. "She wasn't hard to talk to" Rayan said. "I wonder what else she give up that easy" Chresanto tried to mumble. Everyone started shaking their heads at that comment he made. "Hey don't blame me" Chresanto said throwing his hands up in defense. "Boy shut up" Jay said and we all laughed. "ATTENTION! LINE UP TO GET YOUR METRO CARDS UNLESS YOU DRIVE! THE LINE IS NOW OPEN TO GET YOUR FREE-FREE! ALSO MAKE A LINE FOR I.D.'S ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE CAFE" Mr.Hill one of our dean's screamed. Everyone made their way to the right side of the cafeteria trying to get either their metro cards and/or their I.D.'s. "This is gonna take forever" Khayla said getting restless already. "Why don't we just skip" Jay suggested. "Shit, I'm with it" Craig said.

We made our way to the front of the line and got our I.D.'s before heading back to our seats. "Lunch is over in about three minutes" Jacob said checking his watch. "I got French next what about y'all" Khayla asked. "Economics" I told her. "US Government" Jacob and Craig said together. "Health" Chresanto and Rayan said together. "I got home" Jay said. "This is the first day Jay! You better take your ass to class" Khayla warned him. "Or what your gonna beat me up" Jay asked laughing. "Shit, I just might nigga" she said seriously which made us laugh a little. "She has blacked your eye before" I reminded him. "It was one fucking time! And it was by accident" Jay said defending himself. "Yeah accident" the boys said never believing him. "Y'all know it's true. Khayla tell them the truth" he said nudging her but Khayla just whistled looking around. The bell rang ending lunch and our debate. "This conversation ain't finished" Jay said getting up. "Sure whatever" Khayla said as we got out of the cafeteria.

We said our goodbyes and I made my way upstairs to Economics with Jay. "So Jacob how was your summer" I asked. "You asking like you ain't spend it with me" he said laughing. I laughed a little nodding my head. "Just trying to start conversation" I said opening the classroom door. We took a seat and I read the white board with Mr.Bunta name written in cursive on it. In my opinion Mr.Bunta is hot. He's the hottest Native American I've ever seen and I smile at him. He gives me a little smile back and I look at Jacob who's shaking his head at me. "Like you've never found a teacher attractive" I whispered to him. "Ms.Ross has a nice body but she ain't attractive" he said and I give him a stank look. "Ew" I said jokingly and he rolled his eyes with a little smirk on his face. "Alright class settle down" Mr.Bunta said trying to get the class attention - Well he has my full attention.

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