Confess Or Nah

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-Khayla POV-

*Saturday Evening*

Jacob and I are sitting on my steps, watching the sun go down. "So did the date go" I asked braking the silence. "It went great actually, thanks. How was yours" Jacob asked not looking my way. "It was good, I enjoyed myself" I said smiling. "That's good for you" he said dryly. Then, it just got awkward again. I don't understand why things are awkward if we're best friends I thought. "Thinking about cuffing her" I asked looking away from him. "Cuffing who" he asked looking at me. "Brianna" I mumbled. "Who" he asked laughing a little. "Brianna" I said a little louder. "I can't hear you Khayla" Jacob said tickling me. 

"Jay- Jacob stop" I squealed and squirmed. "Nope, not until you tell me who you talkin' about" he said smiling. "I can't breathe Jay" I said and than he stopped. I rested against the stairs gasping for air. "I was asking if you were gonna cuff Brianna" I repeated clearly this time. He made a face and then looked at me while I looked at him. "I don't know, why" he asked. I shrugged "Just wanna know" I lied. To be honest I actually felt some type of way. "Are you tryna cuff dude" Jacob asked. "Who's dude" I asked knowing exactly who he's talking about. "Don't play with me Khayla" he said seriously. I rolled my eyes at him. "Would you so happen to be talking about Omari" I asked.

"Yeah" he mumbled. "Sorry, what" I asked trying to be like him. "I said yeah" he said a little louder. "Was that a yes" I asked and he nodded his head yes. "I don't know, why" I asked. He laughed a little shaking his head. He shrugged "Just asking" he said looking at the now sunset. "Don't you think its pretty" I asked him. "Its aight but I know something el- Rather someone else who looks better" he said looking at me. "Who" I asked raising my right eyebrow. "You" he said leaning into me. I leaned forward meeting him half way. This is it! It's finally happening I thought. 

Our lips brushed and then we started kissing. He grabbed my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck. Finally I thought before pulling away. "Took y'all years but finally" Ericka said. We turned around and Jacob started laughing while I was sort of embarrassed. "Oh please Ericka! Go back inside" I said. She smiled before turning around and going back into the house. "She's right though" Jacob said. "Right about what" I asked still happy. "About us taking so long to do that" he said licking his lips. I nodded my head in agreement.

Now the sun finally went down and some kids were still outside riding on their bikes. Jacob checked the time on his phone. "Well I'm gonna go now, you should walk me to my car" he said pulling me up. "What if I ain't want to" I asked smiling a little. "You would of anyway because you love me" he said as we got closer to his car. "No its more like you love me" I told him. "We love each other equally" he said placing his hands on my hips. I wrapped my arms around his neck again. I tip- toed giving him another kiss. Some seconds later we broke apart and I bit my lip looking at him. "We should do that more often" he said smiling down at me. "You took the words right out of my mouth" I told him as we released each other. "I'ma call you later" he said getting into his car. "Okay" I said making my way back to my house with a kool- aid smile on my face. 

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