Xavier VI

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I watched as the two young vampires ran out of the house, leaving me in an empty room, except for the hair products. Their footsteps eventually faded into a sudden silence, leaving me with my thoughts. I got to my feet quietly, almost trying to preserve the lack of sound. My fingers wrapped around the smooth metal exterior of a can. Hairspray. I stared down at the hair product, remembering the brand from somewhere.

"Xavier!" The sound of his voice ran through my head. "Xavier.." His quiet whispering.

I looked around immediately, searching for that face.

His cheerful laughter danced through my thoughts, flooding me with those memories. The things I tried so hard to forget. So badly.

I sunk to the floor slowly, bringing my hands to my ears.

Still, his voice continued to call me. To tease me. To mock me with it's innocence.

No, he wasn't mocking me. I was mocking myself with the memories.


"Just a trim, please." The plastic-covered chair felt strange under my pants. Every time I moved, I was afraid I would completely slide off the chair. I watched as a young man stood behind me, bringing yet another plastic-like material over my chest, and fastening it around my neck. He kept silent for a moment, both of his hands buried in my thick, brown locks. Then, he carefully brushed my over grown bangs out of my face, staring down at me.

"You'll need more than just a trim. You'll need a whole new hairstyle." He sighed, his fingers fixed around a few strands.

I looked up at the reflection of the young man in the large mirror in front of me. The first thing I noticed was his bright blue eyes, the color of the sky on a peaceful summer afternoon. His thick glasses seemed to magnify his eyes, making him look more younger than he obviously was. He carefully brushed some of his own hair out of his gaze, only to have it fall back in it's place. His hair was a light blonde, although the strands underneath his top layer of hair was a light chestnut. He wore a black apron, the same material that was wrapped around my neck. Underneath was a light brown shirt with elbow long sleeves that was pretty slim fitting. His black jeans were even more slim fitting.

"I just need a trim. Just the bangs and the back of my head." I cleared my throat, trying to assert my authority.

The young man frowned at me in the mirror, pulling out a pair of scissors with red handles.

"I'll see what I can do." He mumbled, turning the chair around to face him.

Quite a significant amount of time had passed before the chair was turned around to face the mirror again. Fabio-the young man- smiled proudly at my reflection, admiring his work.

"What do you think?" His gentle blue eyes shinned.

My shoulders slumped.

What the hell did he do?!

I whipped my head around, trying to comprehend what he had done to my hair. My dark brown hair no longer hung casually in my face, but rather was carefully styled into spikes. It was far from what I wanted. This was too flashy! I tried to bring my hands up to my hair, but he quickly pushed them away.

"No, you'll mess it up. I worked my ass off to get it to layer like this!"

I scowled, turning around to glare at him.

"Like hell you did! It took two fuckin' hours!"

Fabio frowned, and glared back, his brow furrowing.

"Yeah, well, I had to work over time!"

I glanced around, noticing that the shop had been empty, except for the two of us. It must have been empty for awhile, too. When did everyone leave?

It Started with Ice Cream, and Ended with FangsWhere stories live. Discover now