Chris III

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  • Dedicated to All the Evil ex-Boyfreinds in the World

The minute I saw Kiros' angry face, I knew I was done for it.

Werewolves? Not that scary.

Creepy stalker vampire chick? That, I can deal with.

Angry Kiros? My life is over.

I probably know how she followed me here to, I tend to stomp on plants when there isn't a path, so I can find my way back.

She was probably upset, because what it looked like, was me and some chick, clothes all messed up, and white sticky stuff all over each other.

Not a very GOOD way to start off a day, but hey, it could be worse.

"Its dog slobber, I swear." I managed to get out, cause, sheesh, the way she was glaring could light a person on fire. Ouch.

"Why is it on your HEAD!" Kiros screeched, which, by the way, hurt very badly. As cool as having super amazing good hearing was, this was one of the times I really wish I didn't have it.  

"We didn't have sex! Really!" I shouted, holding my hands up like a person does when they're caught by the police. Then Baylee just had to say it.

"We could've." She mumbled, and with my hearing, I picked up easily. She stared at me, with a very creepy look on her face, licking her lips ever so slowly.


"Oh nothing! Absolutely nothing!" She giggled, batting her eyelashes at me, I could hear Kiros rolling her eyes, and could see her giving a face-palm. This was fine. Joking was fine. The burning in my throat, not to much, but I can deal with it. It was great, until that guy, came up behind Kiros.

"Your a fool for coming here." The he chuckled, and bit her. That's when the smell of blood instantly filled my nostrils, that's when I blacked out. But I remember seeing Kiros falling, with that look of pain on her face. This was horrible.

I felt the squish of some persons flesh under my hands, and the spray of blood as I tore him apart, from the blood-induced rampage I was currently on. And it made me sick to say- I enjoyed it. Very much so. And I didn't even know what I was doing to the guy, other then I was seriously screwing up his day. Then, I ended up on the ground, with a pulsing pain in my cheek. What?

There was talking. Kiros? So she didn't die? Well, she did die, but not in the since that she stayed dead. Which was a relief and a bad thing at the same time.

I didn't want her to be stuck with this to.

And someone kept kicking me.

What did I do?


Then she messed with my hair.

You dun goofed.

I instantly got to my feet, beginning my 'Do not, under any circumstances, touch the hair', speech. Who knows how many times I have had to say that thing, it was a lot. Kiros was rolling her eyes, and Baylee was giggling at my protectiveness of my hair.

Maybe this will work out. One way or another.

It Started with Ice Cream, and Ended with FangsWhere stories live. Discover now