Baylee lV

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  • Dedicated to Nemo

Screw you, Kiros! I do not have aids!

"I mean, you can tell if a person has a blood thing like you said, and it will get you sick if you noms on them."

Chris and Kiros stared at me as if I was completely mad.

Kiros especially.

"Noms?" she blinked, tipping her head.

What was wrong with what I said? Kids these days make up odd phrases for words, right?!

I grumbled, letting a growl slip out.

"Shut up."

 In that moment, as if we were running on the same frequency, Kiros and I turned to look at Chris, who had been freaking out over the blood splattered all over his clothing. If it really bothered him that much, I could easily just remove his shirt-

Kiros blinked, although she didn't know what I was thinking. Damn, it would be hard with her around..

"Why am I covered in blood?" Chris demanded, looking around wildly. "Hey.." He had noticed Daniel's absence finally.

"What happened to that other guy?" Chris' gorgeous crimson gems were fixed on me now. I let out a small sigh, taking his arm and weaving it around mine. We would make this work. I was sure of it. I started towards a new direction, away from the torn up trees and blood splatters. That house..we could live in it!

"No reason. Now, let's get moving, okay?" I put on the most innocent smile I could. My grip tightened around his arm, and he squirmed slightly.

"I uh..managed to remo-"  Oops, I shouldn't tell them how I really got the house. "-I mean, find an empty house in the middle of the woods. How lucky!" I hoped they wouldn't notice how my voice had cracked. Damn, I would need to work on my 'innocent' act.

It wasn't until that moment that I remembered the other unwanted female behind us. I couldn't just leave her. Chris was fond of her. But not as fond as he was for me. He just did an amazing job masking it.

Besides, we would need a maid of honour at our wedding..

"You, ginger," I addressed her coldly. "come."

Kiros was letting off even more waves of annoyance towards me. She let out a small sigh, and began to follow us.

As we walked towards the hidden house in the woods, I spent my time paying attention to my boy toy's thoughts. He seemed to be greatly bothered by the fact that I had murdered the previous owner of the house. How adorable and innocent my Ringo was.

"Well, here we are!" I grinned widely, throwing open the door and proudly showing myhouse. Kiros had immediately noticed the basement, and hastily retreated down the stairs, disappearing in the damp darkness.

Chris, on the other hand, took great notice of the inside of the house. I let him look around for a few moments, slipping my hand into the closet. My hand brushed against something soft and plush. I ran my fingertips over it, smiling in satisfaction. Quickly, I yanked it out of the closet and crept silently behind Chris, who had taken great interest in his bruised arm. Before he could notice me, I forced the 'thing' over his head.

He stiffened, starting to lash out and freak.  "This bitch is going to rape me!" Was being screamed over and over in his mind.

I rolled my eyes, sitting on him. Swiftly, I pulled the fabric over him completely, dodging his flailing arms and legs.

He was a dog.

My little Ringo-mutt.

Kiros made a small noise, to alert us of her presence.

It Started with Ice Cream, and Ended with FangsWhere stories live. Discover now