Chris V

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  • Dedicated to HIRO-SAAAAAN

So I wake up and the first thing I notice is that I'm being carried. My first reaction, was to spazz out and flail- thinking it was Baylee hauling me off for another kidnapping. But no, no...

It was Xavier.

This surprised for one, I thought this guy hated me. I growled, shoving Xavier away from me, sending him into a tree, which surprisingly remained standing. He stood there for a moment, dusted himself off, and adjusted his headband, before glaring back at me.

Excuse me, I think I was the one being kidnapped here.

"What the hell, man?" I huffed out, crossing his arms at his smug little face.

"Don't 'what the hell' me. I just saved your sorry American ass, that's what I did." What? I didn't need saving, I was perfectly fine, fighting off that weird guy that had obviously been able to stab me in the stomach without me even noticing it.

Kay, not the BEST example...

But that didn't explain why HIM of all people had to carry me off into some random part of the woods,


...Where we can get away with all sorts of miscellaneous things.

And Baylee isn't around, that's a bonus.

Which lead to me punching him in the jaw for it. I would have rather have been saved by Kiros of all people, (true, she would have just left my body there, then come back later to see if I was still salvageable, that's a true friend right there, probably replace parts of me with robot parts... Eugh.)

Xavier had a confused look on this face for the moment, before nailing me right back in the face, leading me to end up kneeing him in the stomach, as well as other things.

This was probably the stupidest thing I had ever gotten into a fight for, 'Hey, you saved me back there, so I'm going to beat you into a pulp!' Yeah.

At some point in this Xaviers hair band had flown off, and I was currently sitting on top of him, holdings his arms down while I just glared at his stupid Mexican face. (Spanish, whatever.)

His hair seemed a lot less stupid and spiky when the hairband wasn't constantly glued to his head. And... god forbid,

Cuter, really.

And that's when I noticed something was wrong, because at some point while thinking that my face had gotten closer to his, a faintly noticeable red on Xaviers cheeks. And at some point during that time, I found out I was kissing the poor dude.

He tastes like tomatoes.

I ended up removing my hands from his arms, giving him at least some sort of freedom, I was comfy where I was, sitting on him. His hands immediately went into my hair- expecting him to pull, but he didn't, thank god.

Shit would have hit the fan if he did.

Apparently, all thoughts of his missing hairband had been discarded, as he only attempted to get on top of me, which, really, wasn't working out that good for him. I held him down, allowing myself to pull away for a moment to mumble-

"You taste like tomatoes." He scrunched up his brow, looking at me with another hateful glare.

"What the fuck does that mean?!"

Giving him no time to think about it, I quickly went back down for another one, this time being greeted with bites. Kinky bastard.


"If you even think about this I swear to god I will disembowel you on the spot." Xavier growled, fixing his precious hairband as if it was made out of glass. I rolled my eyes, making sure to get off any remaining grass or other type of plant matter off of us.

"Calm yourself... Why does it matter anyway?" Seriously.

"...No reason. Just.. Be careful with your thoughts around that girl." Which girl, Kiros? I don't think she would care, but alright...

Making our way back was easy, but what really hit me was...

"What happened to the house?!" I literally flipped out, running towards the rubble that was once half of the house, the other half slowly caving in on itself. "My... my hair products.." Baylee snorted, rolling her eyes.

"Y'know, if you didn't waste so much of it... there would still be some left." Xavier looked at her like she was crazy,


"You know! The hair gel on the couch..." Oh crap.

"O-Oh.. Yeah.. That..." He backed off, seeming to go off for a bit on his own.

Now to just find a mirror.

It Started with Ice Cream, and Ended with FangsWhere stories live. Discover now