Baylee lll

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  • Dedicated to The Atlantians

Kiros. That was her name. She really had to learn to be cautious about what she said on the inside, because every thought she had made it's way to my mind. I gained quite a bit of information about her from the few moments it took her to storm over to us. Although most of her thoughts involved many, violent curses and comments, it was her face that really sealed the deal.

I watched curiously as the young girl clomped over to us, her red hair bouncing up and down from each angry step she took. Her deep green eyes bore into me like two huge emeralds. I almost expected two lasers to blast from her pupils. It wasn't until she had finally reached us when I noticed her expression change from rage to confusion for a brief moment. I was clever, but sometimes I was too busy paying attention to the smaller details to realize fully what was going on around me.

Chris' face was mixed with surprise and fear, his darkened crimson eyes widened.

"It's dog slobber, I swear," He managed to gasp out, trying to reassure her.

It hit me then.

She thought-...

No, this was too rich. It was possible, though. I guess our soiled clothes and ruffled hair might have given off the wrong message to her. The white, sticky slobber on my hands and Chris' head made it worse.

"Why is it on your HEAD?!" Kiros' eyes flashed, while me and Ringo flinched. Chris, I mean.

"We didn't have sex!" He shouted at her, raising his hands up in defeat.

Just hearing the word roll off his tongue made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. Oh, glorious Ringo and George sex!  Oh, how I must stop using Beatles metaphors!

"We could've."

Kiros and Chris' faces changed from outrage to shock to horror within seconds. Wait, since when could they read minds-

Oh, bloody hell, I said it aloud, didn't I?

They also noticed how I had turned to stare at Chris, as well.


I couldn't help but giggle at their reactions and my mistake.

"Oh, nothing! Absolutely nothing!" I chirped, batting my eyelashes at Chris. Kiros rolled her eyes, sending off huge waves of disgust and annoyance.

"Who is that, hun?"  A new voice sneered in my mind. "Don't tell me you've sunken this low.."

In that same moment, two hands came up behind Kiros and seized her. Although his golden hair hung in his face, Daniel's bright red eyes gleamed brightly, and were fixed on me. He knew about my powers-and was using them to his advantage.

"Don't mind me, kiddo,"  He held Kiros fast, despite her struggling. "Just going to have a quick snack, then I can dismember your new boy toy."

And just like that, his fangs had sunken into her neck.

Chris stiffened from the new, now appealing smell of the blood.

It all seemed to happen at once. Kiros fell to the ground, overcome by the burning sensation of Daniel's venom. Daniel stepped back, the dark red liquid dripping from his lips-

And Chris sprang at him. I was shoved aside suddenly, smacking into a tree.

I don't know what came first, the sound of ripping flesh or the crack from the tree. I turned to see Chris grabbing at Daniel's neck, digging his nails into his neck violently. Blood and who knows what else gushed, and I had to bring my gloved hand to my mouth to stop from making a sound. Daniel struggled against Chris, kicking and punching him with all of his strength desperately, his eyes wide in shock and pain. Chris' eyes were completely blank now, his pupils were hidden from a thick glaze. I hadn't expected him to crack this fast from the building up blood lust he was experiencing for the first time.

My ex turned to face me, still struggling against the younger vampire's attacks. His neck and chest were torn up almost as badly as his white t-shirt. Although he was still alive, I knew it wouldn't be long until Chris killed him.

" me.." He let out another yelp when Chris slammed him violently into a tree, causing it to go flying.  "P-please.."

His pathetic pleas for help rang out clear in my mind. I couldn't help him, though. I know I hated him, but the amount of pain in his voice..

The moment I stepped forward, trying to stop Chris, he gripped Daniel's hair and-..

The crack sent more than shivers trickling down my spine.

Kiros twitched, letting out a loud groan, Daniel's splattered blood dripping down her arm.

Chris dropped Daniel's head, a low growl vibrating from his throat. I let out a small squeak, stepping towards Daniel's now stiff body. I couldn't help but feel bad for him. He was the man I had been with for the longest..

Chris' strong arms wrapped around me suddenly. I stayed standing exactly where I was, frozen in surprise. He wasn't thinking anything. I didn't know what he would do next. I opened my mouth to protest, but Chris' loud growl silenced me. Shivers ran down my spine when I felt his hands gently brush back my hair, his fingertips fixed on my neck for a moment. Before I knew it, his lips were at my throat. I tried not to shudder, squirming a bit. He growled loudly at me once more, his hands locked on my shoulders with a steel grip.

Then, he bit me.

I let out a whimper, feeling his two sharp, dagger-like fangs sink deeper into my neck. A vampire..biting another vampire? I began to pull away from him, feeling myself growing weaker by each gulp he took. He was stealing my power..! My precious power..!

I could see Kiros' eyelids begin to flutter lightly, although she was still unconscious. She probably couldn't handle the pain as well as Chris did. She also couldn't help me.

I would have to end yet another situation by myself, wouldn't I?

"Chris," my voice came out as a forced whisper. "T-that's enough.."

His response was a growl. He wasn't even drinking to satisfy his thirst anymore, it was only for taste.

I have never been so grossed out and turned on in my whole life.

I was starting to get dizzy. I noticed the colors around me becoming less vibrant; Kiros' flaming red hair now looked like a faded piece of red velvet. Alright, time to stop this.

Sucking back a breath, I shoved Chris' head away from my neck long enough to force him to the ground. I couldn't help it. That ass had stolen some of my power! Feeling my rage build up, I proceeded to let him know what it was like to get a Brit angry.

Really, really angry.

I began to kick the hell out of him. I couldn't resist. If this relationship was going to work out, we needed boundaries. Solidboundaries.

Although, he must of thought the same thing, because the moment my hand touched his ruffled hair, he got to his feet, eyes flashing.

According to him, I "dun goofed".

I must of dun goofed quite a bit, because he began to ramble on about how I must now ever, ever, ever touch his hair.

It was actually kind of cute, how he got so worked up over his hair. Then again, he would probably also look really cute fu-

Erm, nothing.

Never mind.

I had allowed myself to giggle some, trying to ignore my graphic thoughts. Kiros let out an annoyed noise and rolled her eyes, while Chris continued to rant about his precious hair.

It was quiet, light hearted moment.

Although, the two would have to get used to things being hostile and aggressive with me around.

I brought a hand to my neck, running my fingertips over the now healing bite, feeling the grooved holes where his fangs had been.

Or maybe, I would have to be the one getting used to the crazy antics and scenarios with these two.

It Started with Ice Cream, and Ended with FangsWhere stories live. Discover now