Chapter 36 - Needing time

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Marshall's P.O.V:
I swallow a couple of times as my eyes adjust to the brightness. I try to speak but there is something in my mouth, preventing me from saying anything.

Where am I? How did I get here?

I feel a shooting pain on the side of my body making me scream on top of my lungs even with something in my mouth. I hear beeping around me before the doors quickly slide open.

I see atleast three people rush towards me but everything is a blur so I can't make out the faces. I hear  two men shout at eachother as they fuss around me before a woman cuts in, shouting at both of the men.

I scream out in pain again and my body shoots up. I feel two hands hold onto my shoulder before they forcefully push me down against the bed and hold me still as I struggle to get up.

"Marshall, It's Chris. I need you to calm down, okay? Stay still." Chris shouts.

"Hold him still!" Another man barks.

"He's trying his best!" I hear Karla shout.

"How the hell are you going to do the surgery! The organ is never going to survive this long!" I hear Chris shout but I still can't make out anything since everything is still all a blur.

What surgery is he on about?

"Please, I can do it in my sleep King." I hear the other man say.

I turn my side and although my eyes are blury, I can make out Karla's light hair tied up in a bun. I reach my hand out for and grab her elbow as I scream when the pain kicks in again.

"Marshall. We've got you, alright? We're going to sedate you. Just relax." Karla say before she takes out what I think is a tube and cover my face with a mask.

The next thing I know is that the bed i'm laying on is being pushed out of the room as Chris is shouting for a nurse. Wait nurse? When did I get here? Before I can even think back to what happened last night, my eyes start to close slowly.

Tessa's P.O.V:
"I'm on my way to see him now." I say as I walk into the hospital and take the lift up to the floor Marshall is on.

"How's he doing?" Paul asks in the background. I was currently on the phone with Leroy.

"Well, if you visited him then you would know." I state.

"Yeah...I've been busy Tessa." I hear him say before Leroy starts to speak.

"There's another interview for Oprah-" He starts before I cut him off.

"Really? Marshall is in hospital and you want me to do an-" I start but stop talking when Marshall's phone starts to ring.

I went back to his hotel this morning to collect all his things and to clear his hotel room. I kept his phone with me and dropped the rest of his things at my home.

I look down at his phone and read the name 'Kim' before I let out a small sigh. What do I tell her? I mean, I can't exactly tell her about Marshall overdosing. She'll ban him from seeing his kids.

"Tessa? You still there." Leroy calls my name. I switch of Marshall's phone and dump it in my bag.

"Yeah. I'm still here. But listen, I have to go." I tell him.

"Okay." He sighs. "But we need to talk about Oprah." He says.

"Goodbye Leroy." I sigh as I roll my eyes.

"I'll see you soon." I hear him say before I flip my phone closed.

I left Andrew and went straight home since I couldn't face Karla and Chris when they both told me not to go see him. I was crying all the way home and when I got home, Leroy was there.

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