Chapter 104 - Home Sweet Home

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Tessa's P.O.V:
"And....This one." Marshall mumbles as I hold my palm out to him and watch him place a small blue pill in my palm. "And...One of, oh wait, two of these..." He says as he takes out two white pills.

"That's a lot." Iris comments.

"Yep and yet still, i'm in pain all the time." I say and watch Marshall look at the prescription paper on the table before he reaches for another pill bottle.

"That's cause you haven't been taking your pills on time." Marshall states, making me shrug. "Alright." He sighs as he walks towards the sink and fills up a glass with water before he walks back towards me.

"Thanks." I mumble as I place the pills in my mouth and down them with water.

"I brought you some medicine for sore throat." Marshall mumbles, making me smile lightly. I was complaining to Nick in the morning over the phone about a sore throat, guess Marshall over heard me.

"That's sweet of you." I smile and watch him shake the glass bottle. He really is handsome. Marshall pours the syrup onto a spoon before he holds the spoon infront of me. I let him feed me the medicine before I thank him once again.

"Dad. Can we go out today?" Iris asks as she hops onto the counter.

"Where do you wanna go?" Marshall asks as he packs everything away.

"I don't know. I'm bored." She shrugs. "Can we have dinner out today?" She asks.

"I'm not sure that's a good idea." He mumbles as he places my empty glass in the sink.

"Why not." Iris tuts.

"We'll just order pizza." He shrugs. I'm guessing he not going out after the attack and because of the papparazi.

I don't blame him.

Thinking about stepping out of the houses gives me the chills. I don't understand how Nick and Marshall walk around the streets after everything that's happened. I mean, what if we get attacked again? The assholes are still out there!

"Daaaad!" Iris whines.

"Pizza sounds good to me." I shrug as I stand up straight and turn to face Iris.

"We had pizza yesterday." Iris states as Marshall sneaks out of the kitchen slowly. "Hey! Where are you going!" Iris says quickly as she jumps off the counter. She giggles softly when Marshall starts to walk fast. I smile lightly as I watch Iris jump onto Marshall back.

"Hey!" Marshall laughs as he quickly grabs onto the wall.

"Please." She whines as Marshall walks out the kitchen with Iris still on his back.


I walk up the steps slowly as I look for Chris' number in my phone. I hate using this phone. I let out a sigh when I see his number and just when i'm about to press call, I hear someone call me as the front door opens and closes.

"Yes?" I say as I flip my phone close and turn to face a teenage boy. The boy has bleeched blond hair and blue eyes, just like Marshall. He's even dressed the way Marshall dresses. He's like a mini version of him.

Don't tell me he has another son....5 kids is a lot to look after. I already have Iris to take care of.

"Marshall should be in the studio." I tell him. The door opens and closes before a lady that also reminds me of a Marshall walks towards me.

"Hey! We missed you!" She says as she walks up the stairs and wraps her arms around me. She moves back and smiles at me as she tucks her hair behind her ear. "Nathan and I went to see my uncle in Chicago since he was ill so we were away and couldn't come see you." She explains. "We just got off a flight now....Nathan couldn't wait to see you." She adds.

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