Chapter 115 - Yellow Carnation

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Jacobs P.O.V:
I take a seat on one or the benches in the shop and watch Tessa and our mom look at different flowers. I ignore the papparazi as they tap on the glass window, trying to get my attention as they take pictures of the three of us and record us.

"These are nice aren't they?" Mom asks as she picks out flowers and turns to face me.

"They're beautiful." I mumble without looking up at her.

"Oh and what about these?" Mom says quickly.

"Yes, Madre. They're real nice." I sigh. I look away from mom and turn to face Tessa.

I watch her as she picks up flowers with the help of the shop keeper. Even with the sunglasses hiding her most of her face, you can tell she hasn't slept since we got a call from Liam and Alexander, telling us that out father committed suicide.

They're actually all stupid enough to believe our father actually killed himself. My father would never do that. He cares about his business and money too much to just leave it all and kill himself.

"We're done here." Tessa says and let out a sigh as she turns to face me.

"Right. I'll pay for these." I say as I take out my wallet and my card for the flowers. "Take Madre and sit in the car." I mumble as I walk towards her.

"It's okay, I got this." Tessa says as she takes out her wallet.

"Tessa. Go wait in the car." I say as I take the flowers from her and walk past her. "And don't make me ask you twice." I mumble. I hear her sigh before her bodyguard walks past me and opens the door.

"Just these?" The old lady smiles.

"Yes, thank you." I force a smile onto my lips and hand her my card. I look away from the lady as she starts to pack the flowers.

My eyes drop down to the table of flowers infront of the till. I reach out for a white rose before I hold it up to my face and just stare at it. The lady turns to face me, making me glance at her.

"My daughter made that stand." She tells me.

"Flowers and their meaning." I read the title written on chalk board.

"Yes." She nods. "That white rose in your hand stands for innocence-" She starts before I cut in.

"Can't have that at my father funeral. He was far from innocent." I mumble and place the flower down on the table. The lady clears her throat and looks away from me. I reach for the a yellow flower, making the lady look back at me.

"Ah....The yellow carnation." She says.

"And what does this stand for?" I ask.

"Disappointment and rejection." She tells me as I stare down at the flower.

"Well that's just perfect." I mumble. "Our father was always disappointed in us just like I was in him and rejection? The bastard never accepted me or Jay as his sons...He would reject us all the time." I say softly. "I'll take 12 of those." I smile at the lady who watches me in shock. "That's all, thanks." I say as I turn my back towards her.


"That's her." Chris says as he hands me the brown envelope. I take it from him and take out a picture of Jays girlfriend Rose. "She's always at the hospital. Now that I think about it, she's probably there all the time to spy on me and Karla." He says, making me look up at him.

"Why would she spy on you?" I ask.

"I over heard her talking about the contract." He says as he walks towards me.

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