I'm sorry

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Hey guys!

I know, I know..It's been a long fucking time since I last posted anything or since I've talked to any of you guys.

I'm really really sorry for not updating since July. I was going through some rough shit with family so I decided to take a break and spend time with them since they needed support...Blah blah, you guys don't really care, I know so i'll cut to the chase.

I forgot my log in details so I couldn't post anything for the past few weeks. I've finally found my details (YAY) so I logged back in to see what's new on wattpad since I was bored and it's the holiday. I found alot of dm's telling me to update this fanfic (the all on contract fanfic).

At first I wasn't going to update but then changed my mind when I saw that this fanfic has gotten more views than my other ones.

So let me cut to the chase real quick. I've decided to write again because I feel like a real asshole for letting you guys down by not posting.

So if this short note gets a few views then I'll start to write again. I just need to know if people still have my fanfic added to the libary and if they'll read.

Thank you for the dm's and for those who have asked me for a update. It's nice to know that you guys actually read what I post.

Oh and by the way, I don't use my instagram or my twitter anymore. I have deactivated it but since I share it with someone that lives in America, my accounts keeps on getting reopened.

For those who I'm really tight with, you have my number to text or call:)

Anyway, i'll update soon if I get views. Thank you again guys! Love you xx

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