Chapter 156 - Before Sunset

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Tessa's P.O.V:
I rest my head against the back of my seat as I watch the papparazi surround my car. I don't bother covering my face or driving away. No, instead I just sit there and let them take pictures of me like i'm some kind of animal caged in a zoo. 

Milo and Jameson wait in the back seat patiently as I watch the papparazi. This morning I woke up to my face being shown on every news page and channel out there. We never announced our divorce to the world and now, all of a sudden Marshall's wedding pictures have been released.

My phone hasn't stopped ringing since the morning. I must have more than a hundred missed calls from my brothers and other family. I told Ryder and Iris' to take the day off because I didn't want them to get harrassed by the papparazi. Leroy has also been trying  to get a hold of me but I just shut him out.

Marshall tried to get in touch and so did Nicks wife Olivia. Marshall shows up everyday outside our property but Ryder orders for the guards to keep the gates locked and to not let him on the property or anywhere near him or his twin sister.

The gaurds at the gate told me that Kim tried to see me yesterday but apart from my kids, I didn't let anyone talk to me until today. I decided to go out five days after Marshall's wedding. I can't stay locked up inside forever. Milo and Jameson will know somethings up so I decided to take them shopping for toys. 

My brothers texted me saying that I shouldn't be the one to hide at home and that I shouldn't be embarrassed and I agree with them and got out of the house. I was so stupid for listening to them. I have never felt this scared and embarrassed before.

"Why are there so many?" I hear Milo ask. "And why aren't you telling them to stop? Tell them to stop!" He adds. I let out a sigh and unclip my seat belt.

"Stay close to me." I look back at him and watch him nod. I place my hand on the handle and get a glimpse of my wedding ring. I have no idea why I still have the damn thing on that's worth millions. I pull the ring off my finger and throw it into my bag. 

It feels like there is a part of me missing when I take the ring off. I feel empty. There's no denying the fact that i'm still in love with Marshall. There's no denying the fact that I don't want him to be with anybody else but me. 

I sit up and get ready to get out of my car. I pick up my water bottle and place it in my hand bag before I pick my bag up. I look around at the crowd and stop at the heavily pregnant lady who's recording me on her pink camera. I drop my bag onto my lap and hold it against me as I just sit there and stare at her.

I'm not good with kids, we all know that. Ryder and Iris are both 17 now so they can take care of themseleves. Milo is a quiet kid who's always spending time with Ryder and Iris or Marshall. I just about can handle Jameson, sometimes Iris or Ryder have to come and help me because I find it hard to get him to sleep or to get him to quiet down.

After endless nights of me just laying in bed thinking about the future with the baby inside me, I decided to keep the baby. I lost one already. There's no way in hell i'm losing another baby. I'm not getting an abortion and i'm not going to give it away to some strangers.

We all know that Marshall and I can't have a future together. We all know that rules of the contact very well now. It's quiet clear that we're not allowed to have our own children since we're not even allowed to have any kind of sexual relationship. I'm scared they're going to harm the baby so I decided to keep my pregnancy a secret.

I'm not going to tell Marshall about the baby and i'm not going to tell my manager. Once my baby bump starts to show, the contract will he over and hopefully Leroy won't be my manager anymore so I won't have to explain anything to him. If the world starts to ask about my baby's father, i'll simply say that I don't know who the father is. I don't care if I look like some sort of whore.

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