Chapter 37 - Telling More Lies

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Tessa's P.O.V:
It's been three days since Marshall has gotten out of the hospital and one day since we left California. We had to rush back because Marshall wanted to see his kids. 

I wanted to stay but Leroy said I had no choice but to go since we stayed in California for over two weeks and it would look weird to the media and fans if Marshall went back to Detroit without me. So, I had no choice but to come along. 

Marshall was confused when Chris explained to him about what happened and how he was found and how both his kidneys were damaged. 

He was angry too. Not at me or his doctors. But at himself. He kept saying that he didn't do it on purpose and that it was a mistake and an accident and that it would never happen again. 

I had to keep on telling him that I believed every word he said but he still wouldn't rest and kept promising us all that it was all just and accident. 

Chris explained to me that Marshall is in shock and on a lot of medication, so we just have to reply with an 'I know' everytime he said that it was an accident. 

But it was hard. Marshall was a all over the place. He was a mess. He wouldn't sleep at night and would be up in the day too. I would walk into the room to find him looking down at his scars and his eyes fill of his tears. 

It hurt to see him like that. It hurt to see him looking so damaged and lost. It hurt to see him hurting but all I could do was nod my head whenever he told me that it was an accident. 

Kim also called a lot of times. Paul told Marshall not to answer it or otherwise she would get suspicious. But Marshall being Marshall, he didn't listen to anyone and answered her call. 

I didn't hear all of the conversation  but near the end I heard Marshall tell Kim that she couldn't take the kids away and that she couldn't ban him from seeing the kids.

After that call, all Marshall would talk about was going back home. Chris tried to talk him out of it along with Karla since he had to fully recover before he left the hospital but Marshall didn't listen. 

Paul had also begged Marshall to stay but he didn't listen to his manager nor did he listen to mine. They told me to go and talk to him too but I couldn't stop him from seeing his kids so instead of telling him to stay, I told him to go home. 

Andrew called me a couple of times. He said that he had a lawyer ready and was going to drag Andrew to court and get him locked up. I told Jacob but he only laughed. 

Jacob agrees with me when I say that Gayle is never going to be locked up. It was weird telling Jacob everything because we never talked about my past when we started to talk again. 

He asked me to forgive him and I said the same thing I said to Andrew. I told him that I need time to forgive and thats what they're both doing, giving me some space and time. 

"Damn it." I sigh as I push my hair back. 

A couple of days ago, when Andrew was asking me to forgive him, I remember holding Marshall's hand, I don't know why I held it but I did. I felt him grasp my hand back as if he was supporting me.

I thought I was only imagining him hold my hand back until I felt his thumb stroke my hand softly. Again, I remember checking to see if he was awake but he was fast asleep. 

Now that I think about it, I can't help but feel scared and worried. He knows. If it wasn't all in my mind...If Marshall actually was comforting me than he knows...He knows what happened 14 years ago. He knows about me being raped. He heard everything!

He knows...

"Damn it." I let out another frustrated sigh as I bury my face in my hands.

"Can I ask you something?" Nathan walks in. I quickly sit up and adjust myself in my seat as I clear my throat. 

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