Chapter 30 - Fresh start

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Tessa's P.O.V:
I walk out the room and switch of all the lights before I walk out my home. I had been in there thinking for around 20 minutes until Leroy called me and asked if we were on the way to the party.

Leroy and I both argued over the phone for another 10 minutes when I asked him why he didn't tell me that Marshall was coming over. He said he thought I wouldn't go if I knew Marshall was coming. After our heated argument, I decided to hang up on him.

After a quick talk with security, I walk towards the car where the driver stands and opens the door for me. I mumble a quick 'thanks' and get in before he closes the door.

Marshall's head was resting against the the back of his seat and he had his eyes closed. I pull my seat belt on and watch him as he sleeps. Well, I think he's sleeping. I did take around half an hour in there.

The driver gets in and pulls on his seat belt but I keep my eyes on Marshall. When the driver starts the engine his eyes quickly shoot open and then slowly land on me.

I look away from him quickly and look out the window. I hear Marshall clear his throat and sit up. I look back at him when I hear him mutter under his breath. When he notices me looking he opens his mouth to speak.

"You took a while in there. Everything alright?" He asks.

"Everything's fine." I mumble as I look out the window again. "I was just on the phone to Leroy that's all." I add

"Oh." He nods.

"And.." I bite on my bottom lip as I turn to face him. "I was doing a bit of thinking." I sigh.

"About what?" He asks.

"You were obviously drunk when you said those things. I accept your apology." I say softly. A small smile forms on Marshall's lips and he nods before he looks away. I can't help but smile too.

"Thanks." He says.

"No problem. I'm sorry for dragging you through the whole contract process." I apologise.

"You don't gotta be sorry for that." He says as he turns towards me.

"Fresh start?" I say as I take out my hand. Marshall looks at my hand and thinks for a few seconds before he takes my hand in his and shakes it.

"Fresh start." He smiles.

My mood feels lighter now that everythings off my chest. At first, I wasn't going to accept his apology even though I told my self I forgive him. When he started talking about New York again, I felt angry about what happened.

But then I started to think about Jacob and my family. Sometime during this week Jacobs going to wanna meet Marshall and I can't be mad at Marshall since we have to act like a couple infront of my brother.

Soon we arrive at the club that Jay Z is hosting his party at. There was a huge crowd of paparazzi surrounding all the cars which have celebrities in them.

We park to the side and the driver gets out and opens the door from Marshall's side. I fix my hair quickly and grab my belongings before I slide down the leather seats to the door.

Marshall turns towards my direction and holds his hand out for me to take. I smile lightly as I take his hand and step out the car. The paparazzi immediately rush to us and start to throw a millon questions all at once.

They were all surrounding us and there wasn't a way to get out. The security man pushes past the paparazzi and one security stands infront and the other one stands behind us.

Marshall tightens his grip around my hand and I tighten my grip around Marshall's hand incase we lose eachother. When we arrive at the entrance, Marshall and I wait patiently as the paparazzi ask tons of questions.

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