Chapter 43: Navy Pier

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Tessa's P.O.V:
"It was a joke." Nathan says. 

"A joke? I had to deal with him giving me a lecture about how I should have asked him first." I shake my head at Nathan. 

"Yeah well you should have." Marshall shrugs from the front seat. I roll my eyes in response and look out the window and watch people as they cover themselves from the rain. 

I love the rain. I loved it since I was a kid. When I was little, I would sneak out to the garden whenever it used to rain. I would just sit down on the swing we used to have in the garden and enjoy the weather. 

I love everything about the rain. I love the smell of it and the sound of it. It's perfect weather to get cozy and relax, to watch a movie or cuddle in bed. Hell, I can dance in the rain all day and not get bored. It just makes me feel so good!

But Marshall and Nathan on the other hand don't like it. I can tell by the way they're both looking out the window and frowning as they're watching people run for shelter. 

The car halts to a stop, making Nathan and Marshall sigh. Great, we're stuck in traffic. That one thing I hate about the rain, the traffic. The traffic and the floods. 

"Great. Now we're going to be stuck here for half an hour." Marshall huffs. 

"My phones dead too." Nathan sighs making me roll my eyes at them for the 100th time today. 

I had to practically drag them out the hotel room. I wanted to go out but Marshall and Nathan wanted to stay in. After I kept on begging them to go out with me all morning, they finally gave in and tagged along. 

I couldn't enjoy this beautiful weather on my own...

"Quit moaning and enjoy the weather." I say. 

"What's there to enjoy. Look at it." Nathan mumbles. I pick up my bag and pull on my leather jacket. Nathan looks at me in confusion as I unbuckle my belt. 

"What are you doing?" He asks but I choose to ignore him. 

"Excuse me. How far is the Navy Pier from here?" I ask our security guard as I lean foward in between the seats. 

"Uhrr..." He presses his hand down on the horn for a long time before he answers. "Not too far. But since we're stuck in traffic it might take around half and hour, Miss Black." He says. 

"Well that's just great." Marshall mumbles. 

"Come on, let's go." I say, ignoring his comment. 

"What? Where?" Nathan asks as Marshall sits up in seat and turns around. 

"We'll walk it. Come on, it'll be fun." I say as I open my door. 

"Miss Black-" The security starts but gets cut off by Marshall. 

"We're gonna get run over by fans and paparazzi, Tessa." He tuts. 

"There's barley anyone outside. You can stay in the car but i'm walking." I say and close the door behind me. 

I walk past the cars as I smile lightly and step onto the side walk. I inhale the scent and smile as I look up at the dark grey clouds and let's the rain splash on my face before I look straight ahead and walk down the pavement.

Any minute now....

"Tessa. Wait!" I hear Marshall and Nathan shout in sync. 

Knew it. 

I turn around and watch Marshall and Nathan step onto the pavement. Marshall says something to himself as Nathan shakes his head. 

"You're crazy." Nathan says as he walks next to me. 

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