Chapter 57 - Break In

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Tessa's P.O.V:
'I love you...'

People say that all the time to eachother. I say it to my brothers. I say it to Karla and Chris. I say it to my fans and...I uses to say it to Marcus all the time when we were togther. 

'I love you...'

Marshall's words echo in my head as I lay down between Alaina and Hailie on his bed. He had left around half an hour ago and I didn't get a wink of sleep. 

How could I? Marshall Mathers just told me that he loves me for god's sake. I never thought Marshall would be the type of man to take the first step in relationships but he proved me wrong. 

Maybe he didn't mean to say it...Yeah...Maybe he only said it because he was worried about Proof and Nathan, someone he loves, and randomly just blurted it out. 

Or maybe he did mean it...

Oh god. What if Marshall did mean it? I just stood there like a baked potato. But things are moving way too fast. We just got togther and now we're already on the stages where we say we love each other? Things are moving way way to fast!

I admitted my feelings to Marshall. I told him that I had very strong feelings for him. I told him that I hadn't felt like this ever. I hadn't felt this certain way when I was with Marcus. I told him that. 

Maybe that's why he said it first. Oh god, I'm screwed!

Don't get me wrong, I like Marshall....Like really, really like him. But these 'I love you's...I don't know, I think we're rushing into this.

I'm not ready for this. It's just way too fast. We just got together. I can't do this. It's happening way too fast. We both need to take a step back but how do I tell Marshall without hurting him?

I still want to be with him. I really really like him. But what if I tell him that things are going way too fast and then in the end, he want's to break up.

What then?

My head jerks up when I hear a loud thud followed by another one. Marshall's probably back. I move Alaina's arm off me and move Hailie's head off my shoulder before I quietly climb out of Marshall's bed as they both sleep. 

I cover the girls with the duvet and fix there pillows carefully, making sure I don't wake them up. I pull on my wooly white robe and slide my feet into my slippers before I make my way towards the door. 

I pull open the door and glance at the girls one more time before I walk out and close the door slowly behind me. I make my way towards my room and just when i'm about to reach for the handle, I hear a loud smashing noise. 

I quickly withdraw my hand and slowly make my way towards the staircase. Please tell me Marshall's not drunk.....Please! Sighing, I walk towards the banister and look down. 

"Ay!" My eyes go wide once they land on two men who are looking right up at me. "Go get her!" The man shouts. 

I quickly dart away from the stairs and towards my room. Crap, Hailie and Alaina are on their own. I run towards Marshall's bedroom and pull opens the door before I close it behind me. 

"Tessa." Alaina moans as she sits up. 

"Laney. I need you to be quiet alright." I whisper as I walk towards her. 

"Where uncle?" She asks. 

"He's coming sweetie." I say as I pick Hailie up. "Why don't we play a game?" I force a smile onto my face and hold out my hand for her to take. 

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