Chapter One: What?

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Tessa's P.O.V:
"Miss Black." I look up from the gossip magazine I was reading and find the desk lady to this studio standing in the door way.

"Can you belive that they actually think i'm going out with Justin Timberlake..." I laugh as I close the magazine and push it away. "What's up?" I ask leaning back.

"Your manager, Mr Tatum is having a little meeting with another artist and he wants you to join." She says walking in. Sighing I shake my head, I take a look at her name on her name tag before I speak.

"Lucy, could you tell him that I won't be attending this meeting." I say standing up and picking up my phone from the table.

"Yeah, he said that you would say that." She sighs. "Sorry...Orders are orders and he pays me not you!" The lady mumbles as she pulls out her cell phone.

"Wait, What are you doing-" I start but she starts to talk on the phone.

"Hi. Mr Tatum. It's Lucy...Yep...She doesn't want to come." She says.

Did she have to call him?

After a little argument over the phone with my manager, he finally persuades me to come to the meeting. Saying something like 'It's going to help me as a celebrity..' What ever the hell that means!

I'm a singer. The most famous people I have worked with are Jay z, Left eye, Nas, LL cool J, Janet Jackson, Lil kim and a few other top artist and girl groups. I was seen as the perfect golden girl, I had an amazing fan base, I judged on a few talent shows and had worked on a few movies. I was happy.

Until my friend Karla found out she has cancer. I went crazy, I was loosing my best friend. Every time I would see her she would look weaker. She started to loose hair which just broke me down. I had a huge break down and the paparazzi got a good video of that from the CCTV footage. This was in 2002.

On September of 2002 which was seven months ago I got divorced. So now to the world i'm some kind of freak who attacks the paparazzi, who hates her family and talks bad about them, who had a bad childhood, who overdosed on drugs and now who's called a bad celebrity. I'm pretty fucked up but hey, i'm only human.

After 20 or so minutes my driver parks up in front of the building. I look up and read the sign on the building. Shady records? Why does he want me to meet him here.

"We here?" Karla asks looking up from her phone. Karla's hair was growing back again, she had on a bandana covering the bottom of her hair where she had patches, she looks beautiful.

"Yep. Looks like it." I sigh, my driver gets out and opens the door for us. I mumble a 'thanks' as I get out. I link arms with Karla as we walk inside the building.

"Wait...Shady records....Eminem is going to be here!" Karla says her eyes going wide.

"Fuck my life.." I mumble. Just a couple of months ago Eminem had mentioned in a couple of interviews, where he said he wants to 'fuck me hardcore' I stayed quiet and he kept on saying all that shit. I still haven't replied and it's been a couple of weeks now.

"Can I help you?" The receptionist asks. We walk over to her and give our names and she tells us what floor we should go to.

We take the lift up to floor 37 and look for room 23. This building was huge and had records and pictures of artist hanging up on the wall. Karla knocks on the door and we hear our manager shouting for us to come in.

"Karla!" He smiles and stands up to hug her.

"Hey Leroy." She smiles and they hug. I look around to see a bold headed man with a beard leaning back and watching my every move.

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