Chapter 145 - This Is The End

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Marshall's P.O.V:
"I thought you were coming to New York." I look up at Curtis as he sits down next to Ryder in the studio. I look away again as I shake my head and reach out for my red bull can. I take a sip and let out a heavy sigh. 

"Yeah, I was caught up with family stuff." I tell him. 

"I see." Curtis mumbles. "Anyway man, I don't think the artist is going to make it to Detroit so I got his song recorded." Curtis stands up and takes out a plain dvd case with something scribbled on top. 

"Alright. Pop it in." I clear my throat and sit up. I look away from Curtis and at Ryder when his phone rings. He leans back as he reaches for the phone in his pocket before he flips the phone open. 

"You ready man?" Curtis says, making me nod my head before he hits play. 

"Hey mom." Ryder says, making me look back at him as the music starts to play. Ryder stand's up and walks into my private office before he closes the door behind himself. 

I had a meeting in New York last weekend with Curtis. He wanted me to check out this new artist but I couldn't go and had to stay with the kids at home so Curtis came to Detroit instead. We've been in the studio all day and Ryder showed up an hour ago.

It's been another week since I last saw Tessa. She didn't come back home like she said she would. She had Ryder bring Iris, Milo and Jameson to her at her studio. She refused to talked to me and she's even staying at a different hotel now. I have no idea where and I know Leroy is the only one that knows where. She hasn't even been spotted by the damn papparazi yet.

I know Ryder's been trying to get her to come home. Nathan has been filling me in on everything. He doesn't know why she's staying at a hotel and just like Ryder, he's respecting our privacy for not telling them what's going on. They're both giving us space. Iris has been upset. She's asked me a couple of times about why Tessa is mad at me but I keep dodging her questions. 

We've stayed away from eachother for two weeks. Two whole fucking weeks and life has been nothing but a pain in the arse so I don't know how the hell i'm going to live once we have signed the last contract and split, which we hopefully don't have to do.

"What do you think?" Curtis turns to face me. 

"What do I think of what?" I ask. 

"Of the song..." He says slowly. "Look man...I can see your having trouble at home." He adds, making me sigh. "I'll leave this here for you to listen to later." He walks over to me and place the cd in my lap. 

"Thanks." I mumble. 

"Wanna talk about it?" He asks.

"Na man." I shake my head. I look away from Curtis and at the door when it opens. I stand up when DeShaun walks in with Jameson in his arms and Milo walking in behind him. 

"Dad." Milo rushes towards me. I pick him up and kiss his cheek, making him laugh as he hugs me back. "Look what Uncle DeShaun got me." He holds up a toy truck. 

"Wow. That's a nice car." I say before I place him down on his feet. "Can I play with it?" I ask. 

"Yeah but don't drop it. I don't want it to break." He says quickly. 

"I won't drop it." I smile at him and watch him as he walks towards Curtis. 

"Daddy is having a turn first. You can play it when he's done, 50 cent." He says, to curtis. I smile lightly as Curtis chuckles and ruffles his hair. 

"How were they?" I ask Proof when he hands me Jameson. 

"They were great. I got Mandi to change his nappy." Proof says.

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