Chapter 131 - Charity Event

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Nick's P.O.V:
"You were with her!" My wife hisses, making me shake my head as I push down the anger. "I saw you. I saw you and you d-" She starts but I cut in.

"She was arrested for the attempted murder." I say as I fix my tie.

"So you're just her lawyer? Is that it, Nicklaus? Just a lawyer?" She asks again as she walks around me. I take out my phone when it starts to ring and read Alexander's name before I decline the call and put it away.

"Yes. Just a lawyer." I state and watch her laugh.

"I can't believe you are making me go through this once again." She laughs and sighs.

"No." I shake my head. "You, my love, are making me go through this again." I say and turn to face her. "Now drop this and lets go back inside." I say as look down at her.

"You're going to dismiss this. Again." She says in disbelief, making me throw my head back as I let out a pissed off laugh.

"Let go back inside." I say slowly as I run my fingers through my hair.

"No. I saw you with her. You're doing it again, Nicklaus. You are cheating. You are cheating on me again." She says and throws her hand up in the air. I take out my phone when it rings and decline the call once again before I place it back in my pocket.

"You're making this all up in your head, Oliva." I tell her and watch her shake her head.

"Was she the one that came over? The client that you're cheating on me with?" She says.

"I am not cheating on you." I state.

"Bullshit." She says quickly.

"Oliva." I sigh.

"You're lying to me!" She says and pushes me back. "You're lying. You're always lying!" She says and pushes me back, making me grab on her wrist quickly. "You liar!" She shouts and starts to scratch me and reach for my face, making me push her against the wall.

"I'm not like your parents, Oliva." I hiss. "I didn't cheat on you. Even though me being married to you is killing me and is probably one of the worse choices ever! I would never cheat on you!" I shout and push her away.

It's way too early in the morning for her bullshit.

I walk away from her and out of Oliva's old bedroom. I curse under my breath when my phone starts to ring and take it out before I flip open my phone to answer the call.

He never calls me.

"Nicklaus. Thank god yo-" Alexander starts but I cut him off.

"Nows not a good time. Stop calling." I say quickly and end the call before I put my phone away.

Tessa's P.O.V:
"Adoption?" I hiss at Marshall, making him sigh as he fixes his tie in the mirror. "I mean, couldn't you talk to me about this before you said anything to Iris and suprised us both!" I whisper yell.

"That's her brother!" Marshall yells back.

"I know that, sherlock!" I throw my hands up in the air. "I wanted to adopt him too but what are you going to tell Iris when our managers won't let us adopt him?" I ask Marshall.

"They can't stop us from adopting him." He shakes his head, making me sigh.

"They can do anything they want you should know this." I say and watch Marshall drops his hands and turn to face me.

"They don't have to know that we're going to-" Marshall starts but stops talking when the door swings open. Paul steps into the room and freezes. Marshall clears his throat and takes a step back from me and grabs his jacket that's behind me.

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