Chapter One: Almost WW3

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Third person:

"We have to chose someone. I can speak for everyone and say we do not want to go through another world war.", America spoke up.

The Allies were having a meeting to discuss what to do. World war three has pretty much started, but have found mutual ground.
The does, however, leave the consequences of making peace. And arranged marriage between one Allie power and one axis power is required.

"I am not going to get married to one of them. Not ever! Love like that should be natural!", The French man spoke out in protest.
Leading England to say," as much as I agree with frog over here I have to take America's side. We can't just let the world suffer in WW3 because of this small disagreement."

"See dude! Even England agrees and doesn't agree with anything.", the 'Murican argued.
"Then why don't we have Russia do it? He always wants everyone to join him."
"NO! Russia is definitely not marring someome!",a very flustered China spoke out a little too loudly.
"Da, I have to agree with China. I'm not going to do this arranged marrige.", the Russian agreed getting close to Yao.

"S-stop..I-i'll do it.."

And everyone. really... EVERYONE in that room was gaberflasted at this. Someone would actually agree to an arranged marriage?!
"It may be a big deal to you guys but M-my country isn't aggressive.", a tall yet unnoticed country by the name of Canada stood among the other allie nations.

Until both America and France yelled in protest to this agree ment," No way am I letting my little Mathieu get married to one of them!"
"Matthew, dude you seriously think you can handle this? You do realize your agreeing to marrying an axis power country?"
The Canadian could sense they're worry for him but brushed it off. He knew he could do it, " Guys please trust me, I may not be the most powerful nation but do you think it would safer if someone like America, england or anyone else was to go through with this. I know I can do this. And it will be fine... Even if I have to get married."

Alfred, who believe in his brother stepped back and asked him one last time," Are you sure?"
Matthew nodded his Head then questioned," who am I even getting married too?"

The sudden silence sweept the countries. Nobody knew who the spouse was. America shrugged his shoulders with an 'Eh?'
This led to a whole freakout inside Matthews head.
'OH my maple why did I agree to this? They don't even know who I have to get married too, I only did this because I'm a pretty weak and unnoticed country. What if they mean? Oh maple maple maple!!! Why didn't I think this threw!'
But all they could see Canada make a face that says 'are your fucking serious?' With a bit of lost hope.

Then France broke the silence,"Do you agree Mathieu?"
" oh.. Yes! ", the Canadian snap out of his mental freak.

'I'm gonna get married to some random country...'

~Meanwhile with the Axis powers~

"I can't believe jour going through vith zhis.."

"Vhat? Jealous zhat I getting married?"

"N-nien!! I just don't believe jou are agreeing to zhis.."

Prussia and Germany were discussing over what to do. When they settled the agreement under an arranged marriaged, nobody wanted to do it. Its not shocking either considering the circumstances. In the end Prussia decided he would the awesome country who agreed to this.
They were waiting for a response from the allies on who would be Prussia's spouse.
A white bird flew in and pecked at Germany's head.

"Mein gott!! Vhy me?!", shouted the German.
"Kesesesese! Looks like jou don't have any luck!", the albino started to laugh until the white bird pecked at his head. "AHH! DON'T PECK AT ZHE AWESOME ME!"

The bird then stopped to reveal a letter attached to it. And also the bird turned out to be France's bird.
"Huh? Vhat is zhis?"
The German detached the letter from the bird. Unfolding and reading aloud.
"To zhe Axis powers
Zhe Allied powers all agree zhat ve don't vant a vorld var zhree. As agreed ve have one country villing to be married off.
Zhe country to be married is Canada.
Ve are ready vhenever jou are.
-Allied powers"

"Vell..... Looks like ve got a vedding to plan..." The blonde said to his brother not believing the letter sent to them.
Prussia on the other hand was lost in thought. 'Canada? I've heard that name before...I think. Vho are they?'

Both Canada and Prussia were in for a big surprise in the future.
Canada and Prussia are spouse's.
let's only hope this can go nicely for the new to be weds...

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